Thursday, August 17, 2017

aaquantum-war on religions

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Why are ALL religions bullshit? How do you PROVE that ALL of them are so? Only by empirical proof, go out and measure something, yourself or paid scientists unlikely to be anyone’s stooge!
Just get the gear and peer at sky (everywhere) to measures CMB! The cosmic microwave background (CMB) is electromagnetic radiation left over from an early stage of the universe in Big Bang cosmology. In older literature, the CMB is also variously known as cosmic microwave background radiation (CMBR) or "relic radiation".

1. The universe emitted a faint microwave glow CMB 380,000 years after big bang. Extensive decade long search through telescopes have built a vast distribution of stellar objects of last seven billion years. There is stark evolution relationship between CMB and the survey!

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