Wednesday, August 23, 2017

From bad to worse

One might imagine a retailer like amazon very caring of its image and style. The image works, style goes from bad to worse after unforced errors – the executives must be fire-able incompetent.
1.       Bad/complaint: Documented and sent
this was the complaint.

2.       Worse – steps taken by amazon

From bad to worse

C1 no action.
C2 no fix for bug or compensation for money stolen - the amount updates the invoice, pointed friend, not amazon, but resolved. Others still there! Just weird documentation!
C3 i) repeat send of wrong product
ii) no return of money for undelivered products – 4000
iii) wrong return and repay for 1 – half pad, other half not!


The demands are

1. the usb3 power hub is now 1200+ not 300 as ordered. Amazon pay, accept R300 and deliver as ordered. Given pain & suffering demand 9 times penalty = R 8100

2. Bug be fixed, money of r71 paid back. Given pain & suffering demand 9 times penalty (resolved - one dollar less)

3. Amazon complies with its ad and find coQ10 200 mg capsules.   It was selling them 2 days later! Given pain & suffering demand 9 times penalty and repayment of R4900 = 44100

As pic shows, three orders were made, 2 for 950*2 = 1900, one for 2000. Wrong size was repeated in 1 order, one never refunded and third refunded in half! I want amazon to deliver what it accepted money for 3*2=6 bottles of200 mg coQ10. Upper right is successful order for 200 mg at 1100 bucks. Somehow amazon wants 150 more for my order per bottle!

4. Conduct investigation of bad executives in India

5. Act, or else will be legal next. Until settled, matter will expand as captured in true pictures on paper, written/htmled up for many mal-ad against amazon. It’s not just a dissatisfied customer, may be this approach will get attention.

I am PERSISTENT PATIENT CS PhD. What happens to other 99% customers? Steam-rolled? Don't understand or snowed? Amazon welcome to comment their side on blog.

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