Monday, August 14, 2017

Aaquantum return-from-dead

The hardest problem, finally being solved some, is how to dumb down technical presentations such that

1.       They are easy for educated layman to understand.
2.       They do not unnecessarily explain the obvious so much that the reader goes away in disgust
3.       They present enough detail for the layman reader to appreciate the value added
4.       The key to the difficulties removed cannot be found in the description

Solving 2 is hard because obviousness is a judgment by the reader based on their knowledge. That problem has been solved by moving the reasoning as a hyperlink to the use.
4 is important partly to escape losses and partly to avoid typing in. The vague hyperlinks to Sir mathematician says as a well-known reference to professional mathematicians (challenge able) or to aaquantum to indicate I believe solution is not obvious and can be milked commercially by aaquantum (challenge able by - if so, then x follows, x known hard or known impossible problem). Of course, even references to mathematician can be so challenged.
3 is tricky. How to suggest appreciation without giving away the keys – that is exactly what a zero knowledge proof ZKP is. Roughly I say on Cloud – this is the answer, you can check to make sure it is, if I claim no answer and you can find an answer (checkable by me!), million dollars is yours.

All this leads up to specific problems being solved by me.

1.       Aaquantum-encryption – unpervert able IBE
2.       Aaquantum-blockchain – private & public

1 Aaquantum encryption :

Most people approach encryption as a very complex subject. It is not, simple non-cardinal arithmetic of number theory, simple enough for elementary computer science

A) No one on earth, but me, can find square root (all mathematics in this section is modulo some user family member specific 1000 to 10,000 bit semi-prime)[Sir math, cryptology]. That makes my method distinct. 
B) Everything but sqrt extraction is freely distributable. My bugs mean nothing!
C) Check for any sqrt is square, available for free!
D) All published numbers can have proof attached. Computer databases, directories are fine except running continuous attacks on all connections, even then only starvation, not authentication!

 All communication to me is encrypted by my published modulo and to anyone by their published modulo, all published numbers with proof! So first time every year for every number, you must check the proof!

1.       Proof that a family f has a member m named n
2.       Proof that m has a semi-prime p

To send to anyone, consult local (or global but check and save) for semi-prime and use strong RSA!

2 Aaquantum blockchain

Everyone has heard of crypto-currency bitcoin.We are moving towards a government-free in a very non-Marxist capitalist way in which governments fall simply because their currencies fail! All politics is ultimately about collection and division of money. The block-chain technology underlies the crypto-currency. It has many other uses.

Most people approach crypto-currency or block-chain as very complex subject. It is not, simple decentralized parallel databases, simple for elementary computer science. If you think as abstractions, all the application, all the envisaged and undreamt so far, can be made by simple instantiation and some extensions, in any case, murdering the bugs once!

Consider a payment with many miners and others recording them. You need to have money from total of all previous history. You cannot double dip – Previous transactions will show it. Everyone must have all transactions in same order – is non-commutative operators unlike + have to be handled. Why will miners maintain the records? For a fee like 6/100 cent a block, unlike 25 cent in real bank. Various encryptions are needed for privacy, same order, etc. One can tie the number of currency to the total miner earnings, too small for rapid in initial growth! You can have battle of crypto-currency, since deposits are limited to reuse and mining adds. It might be two or one forked off, deposits equal to another currency at start.

That block-chains are considered deep is emfubar indictment of bankers! But why should miners complain! There is a lot of very clever cryptography for ensuring things. But the concepts are simple if you separate out the cryptography.

Currency is ice-berg tip

Let me not get carried away as blockchain destroying governments by 2050. Let us just focus on doables by 2030. Remember that crdit card settlement costs .40 cents to blockchain .04. Lets fuck some bankers!

Trade – Nasdaq does private Linq blockchain, it enables it recordkeeping prior to public listing!
Settlement – US-SEC has allowed issue of bond and stock-record-keep via blockchain .
Exchange – Intellectual-property, physical, tokens.
Real estate – end title-insurance, title-review, register assetws, taxation!
Retail trade – price comparison, tracking escrow.
Supply chain – consider Everledger and diamons, all diamond id and fingerprint blockchain.
Cash-reserve – reduced collaterall settlement time. Custom charges! International trade!
Smart contracts – step chain. Fraudless estimation and management, no excuse invention! IBM
Algorithmic regulation – Lawyers/judges are emfubar! Direct applications, only  provables.

It relates strongly to my verifiable mail! Suppose I say to a company

I topped dept. at IIT Kanpur. I research at Bell labs. I taught at University of Massachusetts and Minnesota. I had major accident and extensive mal-treatment. I am considered TBI by US social security. My mother thinks I have improved from 20% in-senses/not-danger-to-self to 70% in-senses/not-danger-to-self.

A company is unlikely to believe me but not in a blockchain world or my verifiable-email! Take your pick!

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