Wednesday, August 9, 2017

The Arya protocol

The protocol is designed to measure the effectiveness of avariety of products/prayers to scientifically measure any improvements evenwhen the benefits are measurable but they have a random sparse distribution. Can aging claims be statistically tested? First prove yourself they can’t then enjoy my claim of yes! It is widely said that age-extension properties of coQ10 are suspected but not proven! Well, either yes or no, with arya-test I can find in 2 years, not the sixty it has been there!

Consider a protocol for improving the age. Or pain management over a number of patients who can reliability measures their pain on a pain-scale, but can suffer from many diseases at the same time, some not even known! Or someone who claims that proper prayer to his deo reduces the impact of earthquakes. One might dismiss such arguments but it is far better there be a scientific proof against. Such an activity provides provable, as opposed to instinctive, arguments against certain cult-extremes of Christianity, in fact any religion.

Because of the general applicability of the protocol, it is separated away, but be confidentially applied and approved by various grant givers.

This is the protocol itself, first stated in generality, and then applied to the proposal. Two running examples are aging and pain management. The claim-argument under examination is that P increases age and Q reduces pain. Our job is define a statistical double blind scheme such that participants age.i for I in 1..n-age is given, and one concludes from that the membership in P scheme that it improved the expected age. Similarly, from j in 1..n-pain, one can conclude the people treated under Q. Note that numbering is not random!

… the test

The useful ness of prayer can be ascertained by image-idol in many places. The argument then becomes magical properties of the idol only. Perhaps challenging prayer is a bad idea.

Aging test

Almost all physicians consider it pseudo-science; I am not one! But respect physicians 100% in acute medicine and only 50% in chronic medicine. There is an explanation in my weltanschauung why the standard dose-response methods fail in chronic diseases.

That applies to diabetes as well, I happen to believe that reducing sugar concentrations with insulin after a certain age replace one poison for another and brings death closer. Fact of immediate benefit from insulin is noticeable, long term evil effects are not! I consider alternative medicine to have valuable suggestions there, particularly of supplements. They should be exposed to the physician who can then indicate contraindication or more common unproved status, unlikely benefit comment. Using the term “complementary medicine” and “arya protocol”, I believe that many complementary medicine procedures can be placed “beyond proved” to “statistically sound” methods, which are NOT known as mechanism of working to enable it for chronic medicine, but enough statistical proof exists against thug-claimers.

I am very interested in state of my parents, especially welfare in the last stage. That being so, I demand methods that

1.       Do not interfere with their medical care
2.       Improve their life
3.       Extend their age by 10 years

4.       Do not open me to thugs. Robust Age Extension has been age-old wish and criminal abuse is the oldest profession (religions are ALWAYS criminal!).

5.       Extensions of normal research, particularly challenge able and discard able. I do not claim infallibility but do claim strong reasonable belief! Challenge on reasoning is accepted when references are common trusted empirical.

With these filters (5 is science, though challenge able versions require science!), I have concluded

1.       Metformin and Niagen should be used and proved for age extension
2.       Reservatrol and other oxidants are considered too delicate for commercial use
3.       Blood transfusion and rapamycin can be tested within the expected 10 year extension
4.       There is certain chance of better life and rare chance to first singularity
5.       The Kurzweil approach to life-extension is fundamentally flawed in absence of known interactions on materials input particularly with questions on purity!
6.       Aging tests can and will be employed on them and my family!

Feeling better

CoQ10 and ECP are in that category. I have started on CoQ10 and can anecdotally reports works very well and has hooked me. Best way is get supply from US and pay 60% taxes of GST and Customs (handled by carrier DHL after several photo updates). ECP machine awaits my doing  outpatient-ECP and then use my somewhat strange beneficial diet (bad if soyabeen-allergic or anti-convinced, japs seem to handle it well).

More tests

Parbiosis with clone? Transfusion grand kids? Crisis of transfusion to ancestors? … I am rearing to become an author and test scientist (Not mad but within ethics).

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