Thursday, August 31, 2017

From investigator to manager

Three questions were basic beyond the simplistic observations – a weltanschauung – what was the reality I was bathed in, how could I prolong my and parent’s interesting lives and determine answers to relevant question without manipulation and bias.

And I obtained answers satisfactory to me, consistent to treatments of aging disease (FDA does not think it is, I do), is consistent with modern medicine and lovely growable. Modern medicine is extrapolated to be best possible for acute phases and measurements in chronic diseases but limited in chronic diseases from study method limitations in chronic diseases when acute disease-like studies work on successful treatment of short episodes but NO solution as good for underlying disease! In fact, acute episodes in chronic care are still best handled by mm care!

Aging is a chronic disease. Strongest telltale signs are measurable chemical constant decline with age! Only long studies can ascertain if the right treatment is followed. Till then, acute care studies are needed. These however have a different meaning in my aaqgs treatment. An acute study returns three values – harmful, useful, and irrelevant. All harmful effects are obeyed. Useful effects are supported. However, once useful but now useless but unhurt full things consistent with sensible theory are okay.
1 Some supplements are ok, even if useless. However, supplement-usefulness may be cultural, e.g. cur cumin makes sense in the west but not in India.

2 Some supplement add are sensible based on long experience of native medicine but may be just harmless in west, e.g. trikatu. Even if known, the patented perfection, i.e. bioPerine® may or may not be extra-effective or even worse.

3 One must distinguish between quality hypothesization and study. The latter may result in less ambiguous high-quality results but may take time. Then quick informal but independently tested studies on hypothesis make sense in parallel to formal studies. That is certainly true with Niagen™ and claim of enhanced nicotanamide riboside (unless licensed) with integral trikatu by aaqgs. As a further proof, convincing to me, trikatu coq10 enhanced regular coq10 for me and will be tried by wife and parents.

Functions as manager

Given that Niagen™, CoQ10, Metformin and ECP have passed my filters over long study of literature (have avoided Reservetrol and Glutathione, yesterday hype) it follows need to
  Decide on endurance tests
 Dosages, justifications, (NR before meals, coQ10 with meals, ECP only after 1year gap etc)
Combination and when
  Stoppage and when (Niagen™ must be stopped 3 days after bottle out etc)
5Research on purchase quality, prices, taxes & source
What to add, when and how
What to remove, when and replacement

In short, My (six week retreat + see Delhi) idea makes sense! Staying at my site ensures healthy relevant food. ECP requires that long anyway! The idea of at-cost service for friends and relatives is useful for commercial side – new scientific ideas, no religious bullshit but free to believe whatever,  to defeat age-old problem of aging.

 Motto – how to die young at very old age!

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