Wednesday, August 23, 2017

MR=AR+VR: facebook+OCCULUS-RIFT| hololens|Google-glasses

AR is augmented reality. There is a reason why I devote time on it. AR is mixing real world and artificial images. It can be used in elevator repairs. Any repair really. Even by idiots talking to remote experts whose time is carefully used and who are in comfort!

VR is virtual Reality. No mixing. It is of two types. One is by Google cardboard I have now. You can fit a mobile into it. If the mobile has 2 images, a fused 3D happens, You can also do pseudo-3D.

Occulus Rift is other kind where a complete 3D virtual world is made. With normal Google cardboard kind, if I move my neck, see the same image. Here, a complete 3D virtual world is made. If you move neck, the image changes correctly! And amazingly, enough and fast computers ensure there is no disorientation or giddy feeling! No wonder Facebook paid another 10’s of billions.

Now the next application using Facebook -  1-3 friends can call and find a private room and have a party! Each is really in the virtual room, you can act VERY natural. Century 21 is here!

MR is mixed reality. Google glasses are in that direction. AR or VR is consumer choice.

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