Only comparable picture is physicists in 1927. Center is the saint Aubrey de Grey, SENS.
The latest link
But the scientific community doesn't know what to make of him. In July 2005, the MIT Technology Review challenged scientists to disprove de Grey's claims, offering a $20,000 prize (half the prize money was put up by de Grey's Methuselah Foundation) to any molecular biologist who could demonstrate that "SENS is so wrong that it is unworthy of learned debate." The challenge remains open;
the judging panel includes TEDsters Craig Venter and Nathan Myhrvold.
It seems that "SENS exists in a middle ground of yet-to-be-tested ideas
that some people may find intriguing but which others are free to
doubt," MIT's judges wrote. And while they "don't compel the assent of
many knowledgeable scientists," they're also "not demonstrably wrong."
Without sounding
mean, my life has been unspoken incessant tragedies that made me
stronger by the opportunity given because they never killed me. One
of the bounties of Covid-19 is mRNA technology polishing, Even a successful company is
called Moderna, using RNA as a suffix. RNA is not new, likely older
to even first failing DNA a billion years ago. But its use to build new
proteins is new, doing it industrially and eliminating kinks, is
new. It is a perfect development for Aging.
What aging is, and how does SENS fit within Gerontology and Geriatrics as an engineering approach within great sciences is my ideology of 20 years and counting.
m,RNA is, should be crystal clear after this. The current article is
about some of the myriad applications, in the near future, in Aging. That
is why you must intern it to be able to judge the technology behind
claims of novelty and usefulness of products.

Let us abbreviate greatly for new biology novices, even this simplicity was novel to me recently. Every Eutheria body is collection of trillions of cells, all derived from a single pluripotent cell in the womb and assisted-developed to adult-hood from a single pluripotent cell, about half from both parents from DNA which duplicated by unraveling the double helix. In computer science, every action by a program is a derivation from the start symbol, here is the fertilized zygote and repeatedly derived according to the grammar rules, till all nonterminals become terminals, the final program. In biology, complete derivation never ends and non-terminals remain as stem cells even at huge long life end. These are reactivated in wounds, just sleep after adulthood. All is done by blood carried signal molecules. It also carries some instructions from specialized organs for hormones. Growth happens by hormones and is stopped so. Hugely extended brain cells called neurons become nerves for analog signals.
For aging, important to consider single cells since the same structure, regardless of organs except brain is found in and aging happens at the cell level, a very recent find. Even if one keeps the structure perfect, aging will happen as cells age. Aging is normal at cell level, and cells avoid death by repeatedly becoming daughter cells. However, telomere at the end of DNA shorten on every division and there is a limit called Hay flick limit on number of divisions, this is about 50. Classic doctors subscribe to this and believe that undoing aging is a matter of telomeres, expressed by gene within the cell. The first shocker is cancer cells which become infinite lived solely by learning how to use the gene in DNA to infinite divisions. One must be super-careful to avoid cancer in all telomere manipulations. The second shocker is the presence of animals whose telomeres never shorten, but they die all the same! So this possible but unreal story is wrong. Current scientifically established theory is genetic by Dr. Sinclair. It focuses on DNA repair in the nucleolus. By forcing exclusion of repair and duplication rules by error-free perfect means by repair and duplication states logical inverses, One is trivially shut when the other is active. In fact, super centenarians all have robust DNA repairs. Sinclair won the mechanism race by two repeatable empirical tests, one aged one of a twin pair of twin mice and second by crushing the optical nerve of a mouse and restoring it by topical chemical use (NAD+).
Regardless of chemical needed, a protein is generated either by the DNA lording all, by mRNA which emerge, are grabbed by the right ribosome and protein is built and exits the cell. The messenger RNA (mRNA) is almost a copy of small part of DNA except that it is single strand and contains a U instead of a T – uracil instead of thymine. A signal molecule from outside enters the nucleus, excites the DNA, compelled to emit an mRNA which exits the nucleus. While never encountered in text, all mRNAs are known bad in Blood, immune knows all kinds are bad, (says my evolution part. Hard for nature to preset killers for just all mRNA More likely all Uracil having molecules are bad, needed natural immune complexity there! Whatever rest of the molecule is bad too and that is how the killers learn.) A lot of evolution is simple natural means to solve hard human problems! Just exclusionary DNA repair means all life on earth. Only one kind on earth DNA means likely compatible life in Universe! Many forms that failed evolution lottery on earth will exist in other planets.
The mitochondria generate and release energy in ATP-ADP cycle and have their own 13 unit DNA. Very recently by clever means, mitochondria were fixed by harvests (70%), new DNA for mitochondria, inserted, and replaced, all in living mouse! Holy crap! This technique can be extended to extraction and replacement of ribosomes and in live humans! Another giant step to defeat of aging.
The process that converts signal molecule to DNA to mRNA to protein is the foundation for how the cell functions. The mitochondria probably be segregated to other cells, or is their presence needed by evolution? Reduced NAD+ inflammation with senescent cells might be a reason.
How do mRNA vaccines work
We outlined enough to understand the sequence of steps. From above, I ask as my Socrates brain, after mRNA emerges from the nucleus.
Can it go back, say, for disposal?
Evolution imposes the rule - No going back! Grossly unsafe, all virus kinds will love it. No mRNA allowed returning!
So how disposed?
Self-destruction, minutes for high proteins, hours at most!
What if it emerges from the cell?
The change in at least one sugar is enough to allow target all RNA by immune system. Additional benefit in Eutheria.
How does mRNA vaccine work?
An mRNA is found to unite with spike protein in Covid-19 case, the compound can't be toxic. Vaccine allow it in blood. If any viruses present, some mRNA sticks. By immunology, all RNA in blood are bad. So they get eaten. Of the rest, some remains in blood and some enter cells. They die inside by self-destruction. Fraction outside are eaten by killers, training them. Later when virus comes, spike-protein launches love to death killers. How train? Remember that mRNA had the spike protein not wanted by vaccine maker. Being partly mRNA, it was bad. Because part of the spike protein was attached, immune cells believe not only mRNA is bad, so is the attached spike protein!
Lesson learned
To kill a virus, one looks for an expressed protein on the surface for which a good mRNA can be found. Next, one uses mice and/or human cell cultures to make candidates by keeping only those which appear safe. Next theory is applied to reject candidates based on harm before. The remainder molecule are triaged to first small human tests. COMES fda-2, ELIDED BY SPUTNIK TO fda-3 AT ONCE. WORKS OFTEN BUT LOWER SAFETY. After all, safe in some humans for some time. Sinopharm, likely example of fail if fda-2 and fda-3 were there. In effect, Seychelles, UAE and many other China vaccine users did the FDA-3 and flunked the vaccine!
Arun Arya generic transform
Nice example of deep understanding of some subject is candidate ideas in Aging of new products and understanding of others. Let us apply the ArunArya transform that will be used to create new kind of programming. For aging, let us keep the protein and mRNA variable. Then the procedure is find the protein, select mRNA for it, train the killer cells and kill them.
Application in Aging
I believe it will be major and many targets. First I pose it and later consider Angel investors. To apply to aging, let us identify the villain. For now, we limit to CD38 and TGF-beta. One way to eliminate them is by filtering blood by concentration meters. A completely different novel technique is to find good mRNA that will attach to the bastards. Imagine the beauty of the slaughter by natural immune killers trained to kill the bastards, trained by RNA attachments to the bastards. Till a vaccine is developed and tested, drugs can be used for periodic reduction in strength. In other words, new classes by vaccine or drug of senolytics. It will be great to get vaccines for expanding class of bastards - how to expand your life by vaccines and periodic revaccination (100 years?) for some, for healthy age increment purpose. For some, once is good enough, as the immune cells for them retain memory forever. Even that might need slower reactivation. If USA style fish eat fish applies to companies, then maybe we will embark on posthumen form of life even before 1000 years.