Monday, April 3, 2017

Stoic view on other's wars

I consider myself a stoic, so I begin with begging excuse for my levity. Malvinas for you have the name of Falkland Islands for me, but I can imagine the seriousness you feel commemorating the fallen. The big question to me is the stoic attitude to others war. Falkland was difficult for USA, since both participants were dear friends. Whatever be the reason, USA chose the side of Great Britain in favor of the status quo.

Quite independent of my thinking, this favor of status quo is recognized internationally for non-participants in major international wars. This logic can be seen in Korea, re Japanese islands, Taiwan, Vietnam fight and so on. Change of borders have serious consequences no matter who is right. The security council and UNO are organizations without clout but their pronouncements extend to me as stoic and serve as replacements for detailed study of the issues. Presumably, these judgments have force and judgment calls balancing each other, which explicitly is a position against pure justice; but a compromise between justice and military power.

It is this analysis that allows me to salute your responsible patriotism even when the aims of war are dismissed by me. It is a chapter where I will support you fully in responsible commemoration it deserves from a patriotic you, even when I have doubts about the wisdom of implement ability of goals.

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