Saturday, April 1, 2017


easy intro - 

The word "spintronics" is a portmanteau of spin and electronics, different, rival, can be the industrial revolution eclipsing the old, and make all of us idiots.

"Einstein’s general relativity remains the bedrock for describing the cosmos. The theory, however, predicts that black holes and other singularities possess features that could be physically unacceptable. Theoretical work by a team of researchers in Brazil, Italy, and Chile now indicates that when quantum-mechanical effects are included in the description of singularities, they may smooth out the spacetime, removing some of the problematic features coming from general relativity alone."

Prediction of spin of a proton is very hard, part comes from 3 constituent quarks (20-25%), from gluons (25-35%) and rest from inner dynamics not understood. When Spintronics replaces electronics, we will be as alien as romans are to us.

In case you wonder, singularity will happen by then – Kurtsweil thinks 28 years.

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