Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Never-wrong data

I am not referring to almost never wrong, even crypto-true but perfectly true! How can that be?

1. Religious nonsense which you can reinterpret till true, or can't formulated a truth-test!.
2. Hidden perfect choice that always selects the right thing.

Beyond these are acceptable methods
1. Definitions like force = mass * acceleration
2. Axioms and implied theorems like 2+2 = 4
3. Empirical fact like water boils at 100 centigrade at one atmosphere pressure
4. no go theorem narrowed choices - below

Only 4 will be new. One cannot achieve things forbidden by no go theorems. These are so only by complicated derivations. Several examples follow

1. Entropy always increases as in second law of thermodynamics
2. Information of the universe always increases (like 2nd law extended to quantum mechanics
3. No one can defeat one time pad encryption
4. one cannot compute inverse exponentiation in polynomial time unless a shor-capable quantum comp-uter or knowing the factors of the modulus

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