Sunday, April 16, 2017

Creation time

Why is there far more matter than antimatter in the observable universe?

Prelude – above is a strict physics question but for me, central to my aaqgs-religion for stoicism (from s) requires you to first draw a map of the terrain before applying ethics to it. The conflict between stoics (Believers) and epicureans (atheists) is at least 2000 years old in greece. After this, I venture forth as agnostic but still needing religion to answers my doubts in ethics and my future using an epistemology from science alone, considering traditional inherited, stupid-tome or irrelevant experience based epistemology subhuman even when their believers are equal to me, often less-trroubled and ethically superior to me. It is their belief that are shit and if they shared my intellectual journeys, they would think like me or better.

I find mysef a member of family, from a villaage, in a nation on a planet. When I venture out, I see the moon, Sun and stars. I seek to know about them but I consider many accounts to be shit. Accounts that do not pass thgrough my epistemological filters are certainly shit. Even those passing are considered shit unless they are consistent with many others. Prestidigitation is assumed if the accounts conflict with no go theorems. Not much is left after these philosophical filters, but enough to yield very effective existential nqarrative of life as social scientific animal that can understand the progression to life through evolution. 

But where did the universe come from? What happened at big bang time, or do we have to invent the concept of God who disappeared after big bang? Narrative consistent with agnosticism and opposed TO ALL Religions but my aaqgs!

But then why did not the matter and qaantimatter destroy each othe

- In the first few moments of the Universe, enormous amounts of both matter and antimatter were created, and then moments later combined and annihilated generating the energy that drove the expansion of the Universe. But for some reason, there was an infinitesimal amount more matter than anti matter. Everything that we see today was that tiny fraction of matter that remained.
But why? Why was there more matter than antimatter right after the Big Bang? Researchers from the University of Melbourne think they might have an insight.
Just to give you an idea of the scale of the mystery facing researchers, here’s Associate Professor Martin Sevior of the University of Melborne’s School of Physics:
Our universe is made up almost completely of matter. While we are entirely used to this idea, this does not agree with our ideas of how mass and energy interact. According to these theories there should not be enough mass to enable the formation of stars and hence life.”
In our standard model of particle physics, matter and antimatter are almost identical. Accordingly as they mix in the early universe they annihilate one another leaving very little to form stars and galaxies. The model does not come close to explaining the difference between matter and antimatter we see in the nature. The imbalance is a trillion times bigger than the model predicts.”
If the model predicts that matter and antimatter should have completely annihilated one another, why is there something, and not nothing?
The researchers have been using the KEK particle accelerator in Japan to create special particles called B-mesons. And it’s these particles which might provide the answer.
Mesons are particles which are made up of one quark, and one antiquark. They’re bound together by the strong nuclear force, and orbit one another, like the Earth and the moon. Because of quantum mechanics, the quark and antiquark can only orbit each other in very specific ways depending on the mass of the particles.
A B-meson is a particularly heavy particle, with more than 5 times the mass of a proton, due almost entirely to the mass of the B-quark. And it’s these B-mesons which require the most powerful particle accelerators to generate them.
In the KEK accelerator, the researchers were able to create both regular matter B-mesons and anti-B-mesons, and watch how they decayed.
We looked at how the B-mesons decay as opposed to how the anti-B-mesons decay. What we find is that there are small differences in these processes. While most of our measurements confirm predictions of the Standard Model of Particle Physics, this new result appears to be in disagreement.
In the first few moments of the Universe, the anti-B-mesons might have decayed differently than their regular matter counterparts. By the time all the annihilations were complete, there was still enough matter left over to give us all the stars, planets and galaxies we see today.
After decay of anti-matters still they were active in the universe against matter and new particles in combination would be generated when both collide to get mutual destruction. However mesons are particles with negligible mass and they act .

In the first few moments of the Universe enormous amount of both matter and antimatter? What was before the Universe? These particles must have come to be how? Before the big bang, what was there and where did it come from? This also beg the question when does time begins? 

Is the Big Bang just a period in time?

what was before the big bang is still a BIG question for physicist...

Many of yours questions are still it is the region of theory which was based on assumption.

I believe ASSUMPTION is what blurs the lines between Science, Filosophy, and Theology. But such are the facts. There is nothing we can do but assume. Therefore the tug of war between science and religion will forever exist. For who is to say who is right?

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