Wednesday, April 26, 2017

More on Metformin and 120 years

Metformin is known by type-2 diabetics. Investigation into its mechanism of action not only explained its primary use, but also other things for good and bad, good being anticancer and antiage properties, principal bad being overweightness.

The most well-known mechanism of metformin action, one of the most commonly prescribed antidiabetic drugs, is AMPK adenosine monophosphate-activated protein kinase activation; however, recent investigations have shown that adenosine monophosphate-activated protein kinase-independent pathways can explain some of metformin's beneficial metabolic effects as well as undesirable side-effects. Such novel pathways include induction of mitochondrial stress, inhibition of mitochondrial shuttles, alteration of intestinal microbiota, 
suppression of glucagon signaling, activation of autophagy, attenuation of inflammasome activation, induction of incretin receptors and reduction of terminal endoplasmic reticulum stress. Together, these studies have broadened our understanding of the mechanisms of antidiabetic agents as well as the pathogenic mechanism of diabetes itself. The results of such investigations might help to identify new target molecules and pathways for treatment of diabetes and metabolic syndrome, and could also have broad implications in diseases other than diabetes.

Thepaper presents applications in antiage and anticancer applications. CDC is evaluating the drug since 2016 and there are lot of anecdotal stories of being beneficial. Given the minor effects of mild overdosing, a doctor-mediated self-experiment is foolhardy but not fully arguable against. Certainly diabetics like me get full benefits at no additional cost, just need to be more aggressive on insulin.

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