Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Electron Pulses Made Faster Than Atomic Motions

Every major advance in microscopy has resulted in revolution in medicine and production. It has allowed the scientists to visualize their current models from gedanken theoretical to experimental empirics. For example, the cutting edge state-of-art in heart care for me is radiation imaging of probes moved inside my heart i.e. angiography is the gold standard in heart diagnosis ans real-time ballooning, stents placement, and artery/vein manipulations. So what can do better than electron-beam scanning?

Turns out that atoms constituting a bond for anything fluctuate at 20 femtoseconds, Even the fastest H-binds (organic chemistry) at 10 femtoseconds. If electron trains can be developed faster than 10 femtoseconds, processes in any area can be still photo graphed, even femtosecond movies. That has been done!

The beam energy has to be large, so even in US, the labs are tied to reactors in department of energy like los alamos, sandia and lawrence livermore. Better known for weapons, one might wonder at the incentives to do cutting edge medical work! Yet they do and USA universities are way behind mostly. But not for long! Faster electron trains at lower energy levels is exciting area of research with no no-go-theorems to block path yet.


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