Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Ancestors to the gods

Can a science-compatible religion find a purpose to life? Yes, my aaqgs can, the only science-compatible agonistic religion in the world. Agnostic means there can be no God to please, or gods to serve. What can then provide a life-purpose to aaqgs-flock, bother with religionto live well and be happy, certainly not as religious morons or epicurean aimless, but faithful agnostic (not an oxymoron in aaqgs)?
This discourse will talk on all the darkened phrases.

One must have some faith, else doors are shut on any new research. Yet faith implies trust in some tome or persons and is the 99.999..9% way to abuse any one! How does one locate 0.000..1 % people worth trusting? That is the first deepest aaqgs question! Deepest but simple science-compatible answer is by extrapolation of results!

How does one select a professional, doctor, mechanic,...? Examine the work so far! 99% religious guru and 100% thugs will fail this filter! What about me? Examine my answers, forget about me unless extrapolation makes sense! Never trust any one unless they prove themselves. Privacy (relevant) is not allowed for people requesting faith!

purpose to life – aaqgs posits a particular universe scenario that is science compatible, although one of many, all science-compatible and different from ANY extant religion, i.e. agnostic. It states that we might be ancestors to gods. Till godhood or cyborg stage is developed, usual biological inheritance will be used. Enough is known about genetics to know that acquired characteristics are genetically transmitted, partly through genes, partly epi-genetics and partly instruction. It is known that epi-genetics is largely responsible for next genetics as much as blind survival of the fittest and that to live well and be happy is essential for best epi-genetics. If I am the ancestor of gods and if my being happy and live well is essential to them, then I have a selfish purpose to my life, learning, assisting next generation and being content.

bother with religion - people who are free of doubts should not bother with religion! If you are like me, and have otherwise unanswerable questions like purpose of life, feelings as dead, why be good, happy, content, resistant to manipulation etc, learning how is not enough and deeper questions of why begin to rear up. One can find absurd answers,. call them unanswerable or unify to meaningful (falsifiable) implications of answers. In the last case, you need aaqgs. Even when not directly falsifiable, implications and derivations are and methods exist to compare two narratives (of both producing identical falsifiability)/

Being faithful without context is very stupid and can/should be exploited. Only faith allowed by aaqgs is extrapolation with periodic testing of the trusted!


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