Thursday, April 15, 2021


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Decay of beauty quark

The standard Model of Physics has stood for fifty years, every time standard physics is usable for all new experiments. One of the reasons LHC was built was physicist fond hope that only at 13 Tera electron volts will new physics happen. So they spent 10 billion dollar machine. It did fill one hole in the Standard model and discovered Higg's boson. But never any particles of -ino type! Either they did not exist or 100 TEV may be needed. Only china could build it! False signal reading has happened to 3 sigma levels (1000-1) chance before, science requires 5 sigmas (3 million-1) for truth. So current quark decay of electron/muon of experimental (100,80) as opposed to (100,100) predicted is (1000-1) sure. Thin but hopes, stronger in my mind because it seems to hold over 10 years of past experiments. Beyond standard model? I root for the physicists who spent entire working life to LHC, the brightest humans of all. This was their dream.

Test of lepton universality in beauty-quark decays

LHCb collaboration: R. Aaij 1000 others

The Standard Model of particle physics currently provides our best description of fundamental particles and their interactions. The theory predicts that the different charged leptons, the electron, muon and tau, have identical electroweak interaction strengths. Previous measurements have shown a wide range of particle decays are consistent with this principle of lepton universality. This article presents evidence for the breaking of lepton universality in beauty-quark decays, with a significance of 3.1 standard deviations, based on proton-proton collision data collected with the LHCb detector at CERN's Large Hadron Collider. The measurements are of processes in which a beauty meson transforms into a strange meson with the emission of either an electron and a positron, or a muon and an antimuon. If confirmed by future measurements, this violation of lepton universality would imply physics beyond the Standard Model, such as a new fundamental interaction between quarks and leptons.

Recent remarkable aging news

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Starting with 2005 parbiosis experiments of Conboy, as I have said repeatedly, the idea that young blood has any magic proteins is wrong and dangerous, says FDA and All such proponents including otherwise respected doctors of Stanford and USB are to be treated as criminal aging salesmen with snake oil, say I.

The following is a touching example about aging, "Will Future Humans be Forever Young?". Regardless of the answer that you have, it has many good aging ideas.

Next is a long but prescient view of direction by Drs. Conboys in this interview "Irina & Michael Conboy – Resetting Aged Blood to Restore Youth". This deals with many things, including launch of their company IMYu. It is too important to not add my comments and abbreviate some.

Answer to aging skeptics

You stated that aging is not just progression of time; it seems to be a highly regulated process with a great deal of plasticity, and by understanding that regulation, it means aging is something we might slow or reverse. Despite this evidence, why do you think the world, and even academia, have been slow to accept that aging is not a one-way process?

Irina: I think that lack of cure goes hand in hand with inability to accept that this is disease. For example, there was some resistance to accept tuberculosis as the actual disease. When there were no antibiotics or cure for it, people tended to discard it and said, oh, it’s just nerves, you need to go to a sanatorium and relax. Perhaps it’s a subjective human feeling; if we cannot cure it, let’s just say it just happens, you cannot deal with that. That is my kind of feeling about it. Instead, it goes hand in hand that as human beings, you just want to say okay, I am going to die from old age, but it’s okay, it’s just a normal process.

Do you think we can reverse it at this point; we have visibility enough to know we will be able to reverse it?

Irina: At some point. Right now, we cannot, clearly, still, but we are making great strides over the situation where we can reverse it, like for example tuberculosis, or meningitis, bacterial meningitis. It used to be that, please do not diagnose that there’s bacterial meningitis, because there is no cure. Whatever else you can come up with, do it first. Now, diagnose it as fast as possible, so we can put patients on antibiotics immediately. My prediction is that the same will happen to aging; right now, we say it’s no disease. Then, okay, just take this thing or do these things, and then you will stop deterioration; of course, we will say, yeah, it’s bad, and this is good. Why not?

Arun: Within 3 years, for 50 years, younger by doctors by 2030.

England's politics: We are likely years or even decades from gaining wide societal support for the defeat of aging itself, but initiatives like this serve as useful ways to nudge society in the right direction. If more people can be convinced that health and longevity are desirable, it will not be so hard to convince them that increased longevity or perhaps even indefinite lifespans free from age-related diseases are also a good thing. This may be a small start in that direction, but at least it is a start.

STEM cells don't vanish, but sleep all over, forever, from chemical signal

Your work suggests that stem cells do not suffer the ravages of time that somatic cells do, as even older cells utilize telomerase to maintain telomeres. They don’t appear to accumulate DNA and other forms of damage as fast if at all, and activated stem cells produce young, healthy tissue, even in an aged body, so what is preventing stem cells from working properly as we age?

Michael: We and others have demonstrated that you can, from the outside, either by some signal or blood therapy, parabiosis, something like that, some intervention, jump-start the aged resident stem cells in the tissue and get them to behave as, by whatever means you’re measuring it, young or a lot closer to young than they would normally be. The intrinsic capacity of them to act that way is there.

Arun: magic growth like teen years can happen even in old age by turning off sleep signals!

Brain neurons do not replace themselves

Happens because otherwise human memory will have strong forget periods! So DNA repair is critical for them. Five times more frequent than neurons are astrocytes in the brain which have so far believed to be helpers to neurons. Someone recently figured out how they could be converted to neurons, in vivo! Brain repair is crucial part of extending age to 500 years or longer!

Tuesday, April 13, 2021

Medical Tourism for reduction of Aging in India


No one previously has undertaken the systemic study of the immunomodulatory benefits of TPE for the broad class of age-associated disorders, which medical data suggests share deficiencies similar to autoimmune disorders. There are independent other methods using intravenous methods on NMN, NR, direct NAD, direct NaDH, SKQ1, MIB-626 and Mitoq, all that can be infused in a doctor presence. Collectively, these methods are specific to aging, based on chemistry and genetics and not a new specialty of medicine.

That is medical doctor as a class too cautious and unfit to be an advisor to Aging benefits in persistent slow diseases like heart troubles, diabetes, cancers, Alzheimer, Parkinson etc that do not have a germ cause, are distinct from germ caused diseases, and can not be handled by germ theory of diseases that underlies the victory of allopathy over ALL OTHER MEDICAL SYSTEMS. PREVIOUSLY MENTIONED DISEASES AND OTHERS ARE ALL AGING BASED. Age is the wrong type of subject to entrust to FDA and will negatively impact their mission or aging!

Therefore, I believe strongly that better benefits of aging undo are best done by Medical Tourism in developing or semi-developed countries with strong administration that can effectively control the market and has dedicated Aging consultants who can guide the patients to secure TPE procedures ordered by them from medical establishments with particular design of replacement plasma. The replacement design is crucial for filtering the evil proteins if the same plasma is reused after filtration, or fresh albumen is used in a saline solution but also having patient-centric compounds added.

If FDA is removed, how will quality control be done? I suggest the use of improvements not by FDA, anecdotal evidence but by family use! There is no reason why FSSAI mandate is not extended to supplements and aging procedures. It gives India a huge opportunity for development, once the belief in Medical improvements in aging undo in India is established! What is more, the higher order medical methods based on artificial thymus and Yamanaka factors are still done best in developed countries. Of course, even they can be competed for!

Albumin is a protein naturally synthesized by our liver on a daily basis.  Replacing plasma with Albumin cleans the blood.  Albumin also acts as a carrier protein for many substances around the body that are protein bound, and it helps maintain the correct amount of intravascular volume circulating in the body.

The entire process is best viewed as an exercise in genetics and effecting the whole body through blood that reaches everywhere but not brain which can be shown by AMBAR like project to lose some chemicals to be trapped by Albumen and excreted!

Similar to American Society for Apheresis (ASFA) , an Indian Society for Aging (ISA) be set up and be responsible for all aging methods, not just TPE, many referenced here, some very medical and two not, Dr. Sinclair (not MD but PhD) based and TPE based. No doctor can know about differences between NMN, NR and MIB-626

Sinclair anticipates that improved blood flow could be important in helping not just aging tissues and organs, but speeding healing of wounds, particularly for people with diabetes who often lose fingers and toes as their circulation falters.

One way in which the body disposes of harmful reactive oxygen species is their conversion by the enzyme thioredoxin-1 (TRX-1). TRX-1 has been proven to play a role in protecting DNA from oxidative stress and slowing down aging processes. Its antagonist TXNIP inhibits thioredoxin-1 and thus ensures that the reactive oxygen molecules are retained. TXNIP increases proportionally with AGE, similarly, in flies to humans! Don't see the relevance of this German research to doctors or how they will make sense of it!

The Best history of aging TPE.

One approach to undo aging is to focus on mitochondria and control the reactive oxide syndrome ROS which can be very destructive past a point, but toothless against viral infections if removed. One way is SKQ1, the Russian chemical with FDA certification at level 2 for the ophthalmic applications as drops. But that project has 11yr history!

Sunday, April 11, 2021

Reduced Nicotinamide Mononucleotide (NMNH)


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The issue till today was understood and solve conflict between NMN, NR, or direct NAD+ etc. A non-natural predecessor to NAD+ has been reported tb better than NMN.

Reduced Nicotinamide Mono-nucleotide (NMNH) Potently Enhances NAD+ and Suppresses Glycolysis, the TCA Cycle, and Cell Growth.

First read the abstract, Then a check - no bias to grind etc. The answer seems to be NMNH alter long analysis of empirical data on use, particularly data on intravenous route and Dr. Sinclair speeches and use on self and family. The molecule proved to be highly efficient and fast in increasing cellular NAD+, largely surpassing the effect of NMN in every cell line tested. In fact, while NMN was only able to double cellular NAD+ at its maximum concentration (1mM), NMNH led to a 3- fold NAD + increase even at 50µM. The response to NMNH was also faster, as 15minutes were enough for NMNH to almost double basal NAD+, with maximal effects after 6 hours, which remained stable even 24hours after supplementation.

All methods for increasing NAD+ bad?

There are critical voices, particularly this doctor. He believes, as I do, in programmed theories of aging which hold that all chemical processes in the human body had useful purposes before mating and became bad with advancing age as that effect is not evolutionary and hence has no evolution purpose. But not all natural processes are good or inevitable. Some chemicals as CD38 are BAD.

What is behind empirical loss in NAD+ that has been documented? It turns out CD38 concentration increases in step and CD38 and NAD+ are enemies! What is the role of CD38? It is produced by senescent cells and destroys NAD+ in nearby cells. CD38 is a marker that attract immune cells that kill the nearby cells from the fact they marked foreign objects. Sounds good, except that NAD+ was inflaming them and CD38 put off that fire. Explains the empirical finding that NAD+ declines with age and CD38 levels increase.

What happens if NAD+ levels are somehow boosted, NAD+ driven fireworks increase, so more CD38 is needed and that worsens the aging. Instead of improving aging, the NAD+ increase increases aging.

I happen to disagree but publicize a well argued other side and point out that I will add anti-CD38 agents to my TPE. I do not think that NAD+ becomes bad as one ages, hence growing CD38 is a curse, not a heroic act by senescent cells.

No age fix in my time?

Most people are certain that there is no singularity in their lifetime, even if they live past 2030. This is not the conclusion of those who read the stuff related to this issue but of all the others! And I think that till 2040, people will be bombarded with information on how to benefit from possibilities of cure, including reconstitute of new inspector-raj in India and no sane way of distinguishing between sane and insane sellers! This is the calm before the storm. Already in the USA, emfubar marketeers draw 95% of people to useless brands by glowing anecdotal reports. Slow or not, only FDA can shield from free markets! But that slowness is wrong for aging. What is more, advertiser goons have discovered ways of politicians and courts to delay and kill FDA regulators. And all these shark attacks have some abused truth! Like all advertising using anecdotes, selective bias is persistent. People using selection bias are not advertising professionals, politicians and other professionals, but severe criminals.

There has also been a lot of excitement over the work of Drs. Irina and Michael Conboy who have spent over a decade exploring factors in young and old blood which spur or prevent regeneration respectively. They have conducted a number of animal studies suggesting that there are a handful of factors in aged blood which prevent tissue regeneration in older individuals and most importantly, when these factors are blocked or removed, tissue regeneration resumes as it did during youth. This suggests it may be possible to “reset” the signature of aged blood and restore it to a more youthful state. The technology to filter pro-aging factors from our blood already exists too, which means this could reach humans fairly soon.

A second very big reason is the rise of a very important side effect - rejuvenation biotechnology. BEYOND ARRESTING THE EFFECTS OF adverse medical events IN PERSISTENT DISEASES, time is ripe for aging based attack on persistent diseases like diabetes by tools different from usual doctors by chasing doctors conversant with benefits of these, certainly not non-allopathic medicine, but new aging medicine and its rejuvenation biotechnology.


This word was invented by Dr. Aubrey de Grey, used in 2001 to describe one of 7 ways he would attack aging. Cellular senescence is a response to damage or stress in which cells stop dividing and undergo a range of other changes. Senescent cells also secrete a cocktail known as the senescence-associated secretory phenotype (SASP), which includes inflammatory factors such as cytokines as well as growth hormones, protease, and other molecules. The SASP has a variety of local and systemic effects, and it is involved in both wound healing and chronic inflammation. It is known to maintain senescence in senescent cells and to signal for senescent cell clearance by the immune system. The fact that senescent cells become more common with age led researchers to begin developing drugs to target them; these drugs are known as senolytics.

SRF’s Chief Science Officer, Dr. Aubrey de Grey, recently estimated a 50% chance that aging could be brought under medical control in as little as 15 years’ time. In a new interview with NextBigFuture, Dr. de Grey explains how recent development.

Making senolysis a science?

The concept of senolysis was not based o0n any science existing in 2001. Slowly researchers began to describe their research products as senolytic. Today there exist many senolytic in FDA clinical testing. The Newest problem is that any drug, peripheral to senescence-associated secretory phenotype (SASP) can suggest that insignificant changes are senolytic. Not possible if senolysis can be measured! That makes senolysis a science. This will do it! It has found a lipid whose concentration varies with blood carried senescence cell inflaming markers. Routine lipid profile candidate. Henceforth, senolysis is no more a future science but a science. It is like Horovith clock! I want to know my senolytic age today and after an aging procedure.




Three now predict singularity by 2035

Very big, Dr. kurzweil at google     2029

me                                                    2030

Very big, Dr. de Graey at SENS      2035


Monday, April 5, 2021

Doctor consult assumptions


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I realize medicine is not my specialty, but I (keep getting inputs), often serious, like friends say that they benefitted from x, but never why, or some weak or known wrong reason. Never argue, consult a real responsible doctor as "why not x advertised?". If the doctor says "Never heard of it" or "advances a weak reason", then time to change the doctor! Question must apply to doctor specialty! Never proceed without responsible doctor gave permission.

Surprising nonmedical things have science established aging utility over adequate threshold. These include fasting and exercise, both can be justified by evolution beneficial reasons. More important is empirical benefits making these procedures scientific. It is however very wrong to believe in them for logic reasons and not empirical facts justified later!

I have some expertise in this subject as an unfortunate victim of a divorce from a generalist lady MD, both as husband (good) and divorcee (critical). I am not used to statements for cliché reasons, which are assumed to be known to my readers, I only bother with rationally understood reasons of non-cliche kind! Neither of I, reader, or doctor is right, every one must apply skeptic reasons. Science is RS, any other meaning is forbidden.

A doctor is a human responsible for a practice and incapable of simple niceties of remembering facts so important and obvious to you. Like your name, disease, details of diagnoses visit, course of treatment etc. This problem applies to all humans dealing with many people, like government servants and salespeople. Even routine people about guests as names, marital status, life goals, relatives etc. Smart people keep files on all important things ventured and consult prior to meet. Doctors do maintain a file per patient, but there is proverbial meeting a patent while grocery shopping! My mother is superb filing information in her head, not me. Even my system has degraded with problems in writing. A voice recording filing computerized system is needed and know not if one can be bought.

All doctors are human, capable of falling for simple scams, have no idea of their success in a very scientific field IE RS, humor bizarre by non-doctor standards, admirable talents different from profession (like loveliness, strength, automobile knowledge, niceness etc) But they are shy too, like Normal not of the same profession.  Untimely memory loss is never RS!

Sunday, April 4, 2021

Realistic living for ever


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Is it even possible? Define it in terms of showing no decline in survival characteristics, no increase in disease incidence, and no increase in mortality with advancing age, then yes. 

I have speculated on immortality before. Let me introduce NS or negligible Senescence where latter means normal aging with progressive loss of strength, skin firmness, hair color, reproducibility etc. An NS animal is one that shows no real signs of aging. Evolution has placed us humans in aging and death part of most of the animals not because of any reason but because evolution is the survival of the fittest and technological part was possible only in species that possessed capability of adding to knowledge and dying to allow incrementalist even in limited by age by death of the old. Senescence happens because there are no evolutionary advantages to NS and because the idea of cheating death is automatic despite state for most.

To speculate on immortality requires some idea of ethics. Independent of how achieved, teen years and yo0ung ages are much less concerned with the value of elder population and their contributions. One day the mirror shocks the aging as me of how time has flown by. Increasing debilitation is then traced to normal aging and strong feelings about cheat death by eliminating aging for me and those I care for. Some usefulness of self post-death is not religious duty but the possibility of last use of my body (organ donation and body to medical students) and financial legacy and survival of some knowledge (discrete square root). I am done with legacy issues and turn full time to aging. I have written a lot last 1 year past my father departure and my responsibility assumption.

NS is required but insufficient for immortality and is medically achievable through actionable steps.


Recorded lifespan


100+ years (Presumed NS)

Ocean Quahog clam

507 years

Greenland Shark

400 years

Lake sturgeon (Acipenser fulvescens)

152 years (Presumed NS)

Clams such as Panopea generosa

160 years (Presumed NS)

Possibly even more intriguing is the hydra, a species that is observed to have no lifespan limit, as it regenerates very quickly. Barring predation and changes to its environment, it is one of the few species for which the phrase “biological immortality” would be appropriate. Only human language stupidity still constrain us to objectification and personalization of abstractions like nature - I still use the normal language but drastically change my inner thinking. Nature is not a spirit or person and has no conspiracy against me or anyone. Most animals suffer from aging and death, but there are animals alive that are NS for up to 500 years and trees that have lived recorded to 5000 years! It amazed me some Roman time trees were very old in their time and still live today! Evolution is not my enemy or foe. I am the top predator species. Intelligent enough to analyze and plan.

And the good news is that there is no reason why humans could not enjoy considerably increased healthy longevity if the appropriate technologies are developed. It isn’t even beyond the realm of possibility that humans might achieve negligible senescence thanks to the march of medical science and technology. Some scientists, such as Dr. Aubrey de Grey, propose that we can engineer negligible senescence by using a repair-based approach to the damage that aging causes. This is the basis of SENS, the Strategies for Engineered Negligible Senescence, and is being pursued by the SENS Research Foundation.

In 5-10 years, we will figure out how to live 50 more years. Time enough to figure out 500 year and live as long as sharks. Enough to figure out next 5000 years and live as long as trees. Enough ...

Saturday, April 3, 2021

Actionable aging, various ways to consider


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Hyperlink book


Unlike all other things you might have read, and Morons who conflict with me, the first business is to make myself transparent to you and disclose enough to allow you read on or quit:

0. Inputs may cause doctor switch but never perform except after consult with a responsible doctor..

1 Several methods are discussed. My goal is not to0 claim that I, or anyone else has a uniformly believed theory of aging

2. All the methods discussed have empirical evidence in their favor and hence will have to to be explained by rock-hard eventual theory of aging and the benefits at the low end will be there and can only become larger with better theory

3. One consequence of wide read is the sympathetic read of theories, used solely to depend on the sum of benefits of the various methods that is understand why apparently independent methods have been or are implied to be related. In the absence of such dependence seems to allow benefits of procedures to add.

4. There seem to be imminent coming of the Aging singularity - expansion of human age by one year per calendar year. Question that such forecasts (2030 me, 2025 Kurtzweil at Google, lack of criticisms by Drs. Sinclair and de Grey) means that rational people see it in 5-10 years. It will be useless to dead by then or to people who will not be able to afford it, or long life beyond! Individually, even one method gives 5-10 years as empirically found. Given 4 method are likely to become empirically possible, one does not have to blindly depend on Yamanaka factors methods to become possible within 5-10 years! Even 2050 extension is possible without them.

5. Some readers may be confused about lifespan and health span, these are distinct things. Two essential but non-actionable methods are slowly maturing and will happen by 2050 - Yamanaka factors and stem cells. These are both non-actionable and close watch is important for 1000year life and spin-offs that become actionable. But these are not dependent on to life and health expansion to 2050. Ideally they will yield pure increments that have no long term negative consequences. However, there should never be unneeded hurry to benefits from them as soon as they yield benefits due to unknown dangers.


What is aging to me?

Aging relates to looks, performances+ and disease avoidance. Reduction in cell age is sought for maintain of brain performance and disease avoidance and strength for routine tasks, I am not in any strength or stamina business. Means looks, stamina and strength beyond a level are not relevant. Why we age is not interesting beyond a level to understand immediately relevant technologies, beyond are boring.

Why do we genetic-age? DNA is the base of every cell. All alive are an uncountable collection of cells, all derived from the pluripotent cell at the very start. Not only did the cell divide, it also specialized, and became bone, muscle, blood, skin, hair, organs, and all other cell types. It is empirically possible to restore any cell into pluripotent (forgotten specialization) form by the four Yamanaka factors OSKM.

It is possible to theorize that every animal is known collection of cells, each having a center in which DNA lives, evolved into every life or lost life from evolution from a particular DNA molecule that unlike all others DNA like molecules discovered how to fix breaks using special proteins, but also avoided any duplication while the break persisted. This one sentence is my summary of Dr. Sinclair work over 30 years at MIT and Harvard. Establishing this empirically is very hard, good enough for a Nobel Prize!

Along the way was established the chemistry that controlled aging by effecting the DNA. Direct method, TBD is Yamanaka factors. There are 3 classes of chemicals that control the DNA. They are (silent mating-type information regulation Sirutin, parp (Poly_(ADP-ribose)_polymeraseand and Mtor (mammalian target of rapamycin)

Rather than deep study of aging to understand a gerontologist profession or geriatrician professions, I start by saying that orthogonal to both are Dr. Audrey de Grey ex-department head at Oxford, creator of SENS I publish after 20 year of following and 1-2 man-years chasing aging on the internet with strong skeptical attack personality, and believer and user of aging enzymes for slow in vivo improvements.

Known medical dogmas are dead. A disruptive paradigm sweeps the profession where genetic thinking is essential for all slow aging diseases like heart, diabetes, aging itself and all whack-a-mole approach is vastly inferior to at5tack the root cause through bio-age reduction.

Current improvements are NMN/pterostilbene for sirutins, Metformin/Acarbose for parp but nothing for mtor. About mtor, rapamycin can be deadly as it weakens the immunity (hence used in organ transplant on rejection). Not found any otherwise innocent replacement for rapamycin or reducer of effects.

What are age changes?

Every earthen life is cellular, including me. Intuitively, I expect aging to be cellular! Strongly in my favor are Horovith empirical facts - consistency of methyl marks on Cp sites not only in tissue within a life-form but also across individuals and species! That is empirical proof of similar DNA in species, aging in tissues, and only evolutionary changes in species. In all cases, aging is caused by DNA aging in cells. As cells become senescent, the number of useful cells declines, there is a loss in ability in all tissues and old age grips.

Change in cells. UC San Francisco. Science direct.

All cells have a programmed lifespan by which they are synthesized, multiply, and eventually undergo apoptosis (cell death) when they are no longer functional.

The number of times a cell can divide is bounded by a phenomenon known as the Hayflick limit. This describes the action by which the process of division (known as mitosis) progressively degrades the genetic material, specifically the part of DNA called a telomere.

The Hayflick limit dictates that the average cell will divide between 50 to 70 times before apoptosis.

Let us assume a probable model of DNA repair mechanism. A certain life is possible per cell, less than the Hayflick limit from telomere shortening per cell division!

Method linked are

1. Yamanaka factor based medicine and supplements

2. Artificial thymus or white-cell training methods

3. stem cells

4. hibernation based postponing methods

5. TPE based like oil change and aging sharpness keep

6. Evolution justified (Dr. Sinclair tested  | FDA tested) NAD+ boosters and blood path lining cells

Of these first 4 are doctor based and people watch methods. Only last 2 used with aging specialist recommendation and MD permission.

All aging specialists are required to track scientific developments in first four methods, also track cancer progress and amelioration of aging diseases. Aging specialty include non-allopathy elements, must be government regulated but not allowed to be closed only to physicians. The first 3 methods are best done by doctors, 4 by chemists, zoologists and genetic engineers. Usefulness but not details of procedures in 5 and 6 should be left to aging specialists. Gerontology and geriatrics have been abused with very limited role in the open future.

I refuse to give any powers over me to physicians. Medical procedures are theirs. When useful and engineering is not medical subject!

What procedures for aging specialists

1. Yamanaka factor based medicine and supplements

Yamanaka designed his factors to convert any specialized cell to become pluripotent - Four enzymes OSKM are enough. M can be removed as it causes cancer. The Other three can be used in live animals with intermittent lower concentration. This allows live genetic reprogramming without any cell losing its specialization it acquired before birth. Yet to be done, it is possible to unage any group of cells that can be selected, selection can be made by aav virus methods or newer mRNA-based methods.

2. Artificial thymus or white-cell training methods

A very medical method rebuilds replacement for anti-viral white cells, that are exhausted not by reducing numbers but losing their function by fat. These can be generated by surgically attaching external thymus like organs or attaching surgically a blob that trains normal immune system cells to attack all objects that have expression of a particular chemical. It not only can be used to target senescent cells but all kinds of cancers too.

3. Stem cells are how top medical institutes  and hospitals like AIIMS believe is how medicine goes next. External thymus can be considered a kind of stem cell treatment.

4. hibernation based postponing methods, not discussed but waiting for hibernation break through is the realization that most cryo-postdeath procedures attempt to time-shift patients to the time when the ailment has a proper treatment. Obviously not only can hibernation allow long voyages but also effective undo of aging!

5. TPE based like oil change and aging sharpness keep for brain ailments like Alzheimer and Parkinson from renew of brain (recent magic).

6. Evolution justified (Dr. Sinclair tested  | FDA tested) NAD+ boosters and blood path lining cells

Other matters re future world

won't you get bored?


What do you see in philosophy?

Great expansion of Hormesis alternative beyond Talib and ban on Homeopathy.

What happens about investment?

Aging undo is top goal.