Thursday, April 15, 2021

Recent remarkable aging news

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Starting with 2005 parbiosis experiments of Conboy, as I have said repeatedly, the idea that young blood has any magic proteins is wrong and dangerous, says FDA and All such proponents including otherwise respected doctors of Stanford and USB are to be treated as criminal aging salesmen with snake oil, say I.

The following is a touching example about aging, "Will Future Humans be Forever Young?". Regardless of the answer that you have, it has many good aging ideas.

Next is a long but prescient view of direction by Drs. Conboys in this interview "Irina & Michael Conboy – Resetting Aged Blood to Restore Youth". This deals with many things, including launch of their company IMYu. It is too important to not add my comments and abbreviate some.

Answer to aging skeptics

You stated that aging is not just progression of time; it seems to be a highly regulated process with a great deal of plasticity, and by understanding that regulation, it means aging is something we might slow or reverse. Despite this evidence, why do you think the world, and even academia, have been slow to accept that aging is not a one-way process?

Irina: I think that lack of cure goes hand in hand with inability to accept that this is disease. For example, there was some resistance to accept tuberculosis as the actual disease. When there were no antibiotics or cure for it, people tended to discard it and said, oh, it’s just nerves, you need to go to a sanatorium and relax. Perhaps it’s a subjective human feeling; if we cannot cure it, let’s just say it just happens, you cannot deal with that. That is my kind of feeling about it. Instead, it goes hand in hand that as human beings, you just want to say okay, I am going to die from old age, but it’s okay, it’s just a normal process.

Do you think we can reverse it at this point; we have visibility enough to know we will be able to reverse it?

Irina: At some point. Right now, we cannot, clearly, still, but we are making great strides over the situation where we can reverse it, like for example tuberculosis, or meningitis, bacterial meningitis. It used to be that, please do not diagnose that there’s bacterial meningitis, because there is no cure. Whatever else you can come up with, do it first. Now, diagnose it as fast as possible, so we can put patients on antibiotics immediately. My prediction is that the same will happen to aging; right now, we say it’s no disease. Then, okay, just take this thing or do these things, and then you will stop deterioration; of course, we will say, yeah, it’s bad, and this is good. Why not?

Arun: Within 3 years, for 50 years, younger by doctors by 2030.

England's politics: We are likely years or even decades from gaining wide societal support for the defeat of aging itself, but initiatives like this serve as useful ways to nudge society in the right direction. If more people can be convinced that health and longevity are desirable, it will not be so hard to convince them that increased longevity or perhaps even indefinite lifespans free from age-related diseases are also a good thing. This may be a small start in that direction, but at least it is a start.

STEM cells don't vanish, but sleep all over, forever, from chemical signal

Your work suggests that stem cells do not suffer the ravages of time that somatic cells do, as even older cells utilize telomerase to maintain telomeres. They don’t appear to accumulate DNA and other forms of damage as fast if at all, and activated stem cells produce young, healthy tissue, even in an aged body, so what is preventing stem cells from working properly as we age?

Michael: We and others have demonstrated that you can, from the outside, either by some signal or blood therapy, parabiosis, something like that, some intervention, jump-start the aged resident stem cells in the tissue and get them to behave as, by whatever means you’re measuring it, young or a lot closer to young than they would normally be. The intrinsic capacity of them to act that way is there.

Arun: magic growth like teen years can happen even in old age by turning off sleep signals!

Brain neurons do not replace themselves

Happens because otherwise human memory will have strong forget periods! So DNA repair is critical for them. Five times more frequent than neurons are astrocytes in the brain which have so far believed to be helpers to neurons. Someone recently figured out how they could be converted to neurons, in vivo! Brain repair is crucial part of extending age to 500 years or longer!

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