Tuesday, April 13, 2021

Medical Tourism for reduction of Aging in India


No one previously has undertaken the systemic study of the immunomodulatory benefits of TPE for the broad class of age-associated disorders, which medical data suggests share deficiencies similar to autoimmune disorders. There are independent other methods using intravenous methods on NMN, NR, direct NAD, direct NaDH, SKQ1, MIB-626 and Mitoq, all that can be infused in a doctor presence. Collectively, these methods are specific to aging, based on chemistry and genetics and not a new specialty of medicine.

That is medical doctor as a class too cautious and unfit to be an advisor to Aging benefits in persistent slow diseases like heart troubles, diabetes, cancers, Alzheimer, Parkinson etc that do not have a germ cause, are distinct from germ caused diseases, and can not be handled by germ theory of diseases that underlies the victory of allopathy over ALL OTHER MEDICAL SYSTEMS. PREVIOUSLY MENTIONED DISEASES AND OTHERS ARE ALL AGING BASED. Age is the wrong type of subject to entrust to FDA and will negatively impact their mission or aging!

Therefore, I believe strongly that better benefits of aging undo are best done by Medical Tourism in developing or semi-developed countries with strong administration that can effectively control the market and has dedicated Aging consultants who can guide the patients to secure TPE procedures ordered by them from medical establishments with particular design of replacement plasma. The replacement design is crucial for filtering the evil proteins if the same plasma is reused after filtration, or fresh albumen is used in a saline solution but also having patient-centric compounds added.

If FDA is removed, how will quality control be done? I suggest the use of improvements not by FDA, anecdotal evidence but by family use! There is no reason why FSSAI mandate is not extended to supplements and aging procedures. It gives India a huge opportunity for development, once the belief in Medical improvements in aging undo in India is established! What is more, the higher order medical methods based on artificial thymus and Yamanaka factors are still done best in developed countries. Of course, even they can be competed for!

Albumin is a protein naturally synthesized by our liver on a daily basis.  Replacing plasma with Albumin cleans the blood.  Albumin also acts as a carrier protein for many substances around the body that are protein bound, and it helps maintain the correct amount of intravascular volume circulating in the body.

The entire process is best viewed as an exercise in genetics and effecting the whole body through blood that reaches everywhere but not brain which can be shown by AMBAR like project to lose some chemicals to be trapped by Albumen and excreted!

Similar to American Society for Apheresis (ASFA) , an Indian Society for Aging (ISA) be set up and be responsible for all aging methods, not just TPE, many referenced here, some very medical and two not, Dr. Sinclair (not MD but PhD) based and TPE based. No doctor can know about differences between NMN, NR and MIB-626

Sinclair anticipates that improved blood flow could be important in helping not just aging tissues and organs, but speeding healing of wounds, particularly for people with diabetes who often lose fingers and toes as their circulation falters.

One way in which the body disposes of harmful reactive oxygen species is their conversion by the enzyme thioredoxin-1 (TRX-1). TRX-1 has been proven to play a role in protecting DNA from oxidative stress and slowing down aging processes. Its antagonist TXNIP inhibits thioredoxin-1 and thus ensures that the reactive oxygen molecules are retained. TXNIP increases proportionally with AGE, similarly, in flies to humans! Don't see the relevance of this German research to doctors or how they will make sense of it!

The Best history of aging TPE.

One approach to undo aging is to focus on mitochondria and control the reactive oxide syndrome ROS which can be very destructive past a point, but toothless against viral infections if removed. One way is SKQ1, the Russian chemical with FDA certification at level 2 for the ophthalmic applications as drops. But that project has 11yr history!

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