Monday, April 5, 2021

Doctor consult assumptions


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I realize medicine is not my specialty, but I (keep getting inputs), often serious, like friends say that they benefitted from x, but never why, or some weak or known wrong reason. Never argue, consult a real responsible doctor as "why not x advertised?". If the doctor says "Never heard of it" or "advances a weak reason", then time to change the doctor! Question must apply to doctor specialty! Never proceed without responsible doctor gave permission.

Surprising nonmedical things have science established aging utility over adequate threshold. These include fasting and exercise, both can be justified by evolution beneficial reasons. More important is empirical benefits making these procedures scientific. It is however very wrong to believe in them for logic reasons and not empirical facts justified later!

I have some expertise in this subject as an unfortunate victim of a divorce from a generalist lady MD, both as husband (good) and divorcee (critical). I am not used to statements for cliché reasons, which are assumed to be known to my readers, I only bother with rationally understood reasons of non-cliche kind! Neither of I, reader, or doctor is right, every one must apply skeptic reasons. Science is RS, any other meaning is forbidden.

A doctor is a human responsible for a practice and incapable of simple niceties of remembering facts so important and obvious to you. Like your name, disease, details of diagnoses visit, course of treatment etc. This problem applies to all humans dealing with many people, like government servants and salespeople. Even routine people about guests as names, marital status, life goals, relatives etc. Smart people keep files on all important things ventured and consult prior to meet. Doctors do maintain a file per patient, but there is proverbial meeting a patent while grocery shopping! My mother is superb filing information in her head, not me. Even my system has degraded with problems in writing. A voice recording filing computerized system is needed and know not if one can be bought.

All doctors are human, capable of falling for simple scams, have no idea of their success in a very scientific field IE RS, humor bizarre by non-doctor standards, admirable talents different from profession (like loveliness, strength, automobile knowledge, niceness etc) But they are shy too, like Normal not of the same profession.  Untimely memory loss is never RS!

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