Sunday, October 31, 2021

Foundations of Natural Cell Medicine


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My Natural cell medicine NCM can be viewed as Longevity science but is designed to address incurable diseases in modern medicine Allopathy (no time waste on dated procedures, assume the best) of chronic age diseases, cancers, and Aging. The question is not on treatment, considered the best in emergency and treatment situations. The question is what to do after releasing from a hospital and a month passes, with the doctor prescribing essentially a lifelong visit and medicine schedule.

I am 66. I suffer from diabetes, heart, and osteoarthritis, also essential tremors. They are all genetic since they bothered my father and uncles too. I am exactly in the situation described above. What do I do? Without a formal medicine or chemistry background, not much. Except for 20 years ago, I decided to use the internet and educate myself in molecular chemistry, molecular biology, genetics, and immunology as required, subsequent to the enticement of claims of Dr. de Grey at MIT to scientists and engineers I respect, rational skeptics all. He talked then about SENS and extending the age of mice. He was met by skepticism and disbelief, rationally answered. He was then a married head of gerontology in Oxford in England. Happened to have deep respect and belief that professors and students at MIT and Harvard there were smart and also RS, have nothing but admiration for NHS. Followed off and on, his funding of couple pair Drs. Conboy parabiosis in 2005 and rise of Sinclair after resveratrol, Yamanaka factors and how it defeated the religious meta-morons, to Sinclair calling out for NMN, the rise of Horvath by DNAm and grimAge clocks, and the start of TAME effort,

When 65, Lowell's stealing money subhuman morons couldn't any longer fix me, a victim of disability. Meanwhile, I took a breather from my NSA-proof encryption and went full time on undoing aging, strongly buttressed by the 2020 defeat of erroneous natural conclusions from parabiosis, that doomed most California undo aging entrants. I believed then, as now, there are no current mm fixes for me, only undoing aging will help by restoring dead cells by forced autophagy, then by cell division. Those happen with exercise, but I was slipping, not just by psychological reasons but true tiredness. Only exercise will cure, too old now, accept defeat, but never! I did not acquire the greatest citizenship by birth or accident. It was hard-earned, not given. How could I submit to medicine failure?

Suppose I discovered a chemical cocktail that fixed my chronic diseases. How could I know they contained no long-term enemy chemicals? Or if I got sick, then ate a drug that conflicted with my cocktail? These concerns led me to eliminate drugs outside the safe classes, unless singular.

Most declared GRAS (generally recognized as Safe) by FDA

Phytochemicals, present widely in vegetables and fruits

Chemicals already in the body processes, principally in Krebs


Unless explicitly forbidden by mm doctor, they were unlikely to hurt! That includes orthomolecular medicine. The only risk henceforth is from adopted doses and interactions, then even knowing low concentrations are harmless. That remains a risk. These are considered safe in all contexts unless suffering known incompatibilities.

FDA establishes safe doses. It famously fails to establish joint risks. It is NOT made of human enemies but court-savvy intelligent humans. So are mm Doctors. What they do is determine the safety and efficacy. There is a smart way around them, show the effectiveness and safety in one disease. Thereafter, any MD can use it for any disease! They cannot consider history as a guide to safety as GRAS can. But I can in estimating my risk. Stevia is ok and the best sugar substitute, regardless of what FDA says based on Peru's experiences for 1500 years, or Japanese since 1970. And don't even get me started on vitamin K2. The point is I use Stevia and K2, independent of FDA blessing,

The problem comes when Aging is not considered a disease. WHO now recognizes aging as a disease! FDA will soon someday. Why care in India? Doctors(mm) here recognize only FDA-approved medicine.

Ayurveda might. Naturopathy will. The four safe classes are in the natural set.  So is most orthomolecular medicine. Top life scientists are not MD. The Harder the MD squeal, the harder will be their fall. One dance around injections is by taking all supplements as liposomes or under-tongue liposomes (nasal etc also okay). Rarely is injection-fast supplementation needed? No natural cell medicine requires MD permission but metformin (only in the USA etc). Liposomes are even better than injections since the cell entry problem is removed. What if liposomes are less absorbed in the intestines? Use them sublingually. 

Like RDA, an LDA should be required from Liposome makers which says how much the liposome equals regular RDA. Otherwise, it forces aware consumers like me to look up liposome efficiency by dividing the stated RDA. Efficiency varies enormously, depending on bioavailability. For NMN is 4 and ~50 for fisetin. NMN is easy, 250 mg/day equals 1gm per day Dr. Sinclair uses. Consider difficulties and errors in my applying mayo protocol using liposome fisetin. Daily doses exceed mayo lumps!

I believe that NCM will solve my ailments, try it on myself. No tension of getting sick, safety in the test. I might be wrong, but postmortem tests on me can be used to debug one bug. I consider the risks of my chronic diseases to exceed risks in my test and my path is unusual but rational. Non-death errors can be designed around. I have many MD cousins, even an ex-wife who never could live with my disability.

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