Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Aging and undo Aging


The latest link

It is a new world of wish death stupid, only the meta_moron or very sick die without accident or crime henceforth before 1000 years or ever!


(Long but useful)

Above is the long but very current talk of a super scientist whose essential style of aging was not agreed by either Dr de Grey or Dr. Sinclair even now – programmed theory of aging versus their accumulation of damage! He claims that Horvath clock DNAm & Grim Age strengthen his point. There are a number of changes considered by Dr. Horvath that make sense only if aging follows a programmed trajectory.

He considers these 3 as proving that Age can be reversed, all 3 known to me and more extending by ongoing


1.     TRIIM – Humans

Reversal of epigenetic aging and immunosenescent trends


2.     E5 (secrecy)

             Does E5 Reverse Aging? | Dr. Harold Katcher interview (August 2021)


3.     MDL – 1.6 years in 8 weeks

Potential reversal of epigenetic age using a diet and lifestyle intervention: a pilot randomized clinical trial


4.     TAME (ongoing)

TAME - Targeting Aging with Metformin - American


5.     Yogi (proposed) by Dr. Arya, self-testing, a liposome derivation of estimated Dr. Sinclair diet

Yogi Liposome

I consider my health only eclipsed by duty to the nation. I would not volunteer for a self-test unless very sure of my biology, or chemicals, or derivation, or liposome better than pills and injections. My ROI  exceeds costs by many millions or billions of factors.

How long can you live, natural and augmented

Here are chemicals of my recipe, Resveratrol, NMN, NAD+ for boosting NAD+; Apigenin, Fisetin, Quercetin for SASP reduction with Fisetin by mayo protocol; and K2/D3 for osteopenia and osteoarthritis. My strength is total disbelief in non-science and Triage Rational Scepticism only for all logic. Basic finesse over all Doctors is Liposome as superior Drug Delivery System over injections, and safety from Dr. Sinclair self-use, or vitamins or nutrients.

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