Monday, November 1, 2021

Biological immortality

 The latest link

Ameba is immortal, yet unexciting. since they reproduce by splitting into 2, so that every ameba extant is a distant child of 1.5 billion old, cannot die as long as even one lives! I am more interested in multi-cellular beings.  Turritopsis dohrnii, also a form of jellyfish are multi-cellular and biologically immortal, not immortal since a violent accident can kill them. Turritopsis dohrnii, is another cnidarian that scientists believe to be immortal.

Their strategy is simple, they become adults but revert to being a child instead of dying. We do share several thousand of their DNA elements in humans. Who knows what will be produced if the right mRNA activated them in humans,

If they were milked somehow, the question becomes the identity of me as a child. Is it death for me of then? What exactly is death? Why does restoration into an angelic form after long sleep create the same identity as the one who died? Isn't Arun of 1 sec ago dead? 60 years before death? Will I live past quantum teleportation?

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