Tuesday, October 5, 2021

Beyond medicine


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    Introduction to injectable liposomes. Liposomal forms of all pills and capsulation are the future, as it is the importance of drug delivery systems. There is a particular reason that I feel blessed to be in a state as progressive as no other on this planet than UP under Yogi, destined to be remembered like Ram rajay for the far-reaching updates to disease management of all chronic, cancers and aging. And like always, the administration helped behind the scenes, extending shared financial support and the enormous process of new liposome-formation jobs.

Cell Medicine contains orthomolecular medicine, as defined by me, will address issues of chronic aging diseases like diabetes, osteoarthritis, heart, and a lot more for which modern medicine has great treatments but no cure. It has no treatments or cures for cancers and aging. That I have them can be experimentally demonstrated after November 2021 in two months, time frame but no shift in goals. The point is the importance of delivery drug Systems, even better than injections is a liposome, available to all!

Why do you push D3 and k2 even on people without mild osteopenia like you?

D3 is a vitamin with mild RDA for defeating scurvy. It acts like a hormone in you. It is essential for depositing Calcium on bones well. It has many other tasks as well, like cleaning up blood vesicular path where calcium deposits and causes osteoarthritis with no cure in Allopathy, and stupid claims in other systems. Triaging evolution makes the Indian race demanding a huge amount of calcium and eating more has bad consequences of kidney stones and osteoarthritis! Calcium is widely needed but must be shepherded well. Triaging uses D3 for bones and thus needs k2 for vesicle and stone cleanup. Only Chinese and Japanese diets provide K2, from a nearly spoiled soybean diet! Even excess is not bad, most people need them, don't know they do, and suffer from incurable diseases later! A good bone scan if curious, 3000 Rs. or else eat some supplements. RDA tells you nothing about bone use. Way before excess damage, you become D3 intoxicated! You know it. K2 is best taken in MK-7 form. Based on my experience, even experienced dieticians do not know or appreciate K2 - why needed (Triage) and why as supplements (rotten soybean).

Why do you think you can add to the cancer fight?

Apart from liposome drugs like liposomes and Dr. Arya franchise on quick liposome incrementation, why do I think I can add to the fight against Cancer, comes from Linus Pauling and the research institute his legacy in Oregon, he is well known for lifelong advocacy of vitamin-c therapy. Even when alive he was hounded by mm practitioners who developed a huge number of clinical test results against him. 2 decades after death, researchers of his legacy showed him to be wrongly dismissed as an old man once great.

Middle of the 2010+ decade, the researchers discovered the huge difference between a pill and injection. It has to do with a peak concentration in blood. Even if 3 gm (max) drugs are quaffed six times a day, the peak never crosses 200 mg per mole. The peak with injections is 3000. Liposomes can achieve 15000. Doctors as a caste can be defeated. A liposome is even better than injection despite the delay in effect - it even avoids cell entry problems! It works for all pharmaceuticals, not food-grade powders.

How do you think aging will evolve?

Aging is simpler than cancers and the targeted chemical processes are quite small, doing DNA principally.

The importance of the drug delivery system will be recognized, medicine for all ailments will be injections, liposomes, or both. All aging drugs will be Liposomal first! Composite (meta-analysis clinical tests) will never be published that club pill, injection and liposome test in the same study and current or past such papers will be visibly withdrawn. The entire field will forcibly understand the mischief from ignoring the drug delivery system.

How do you think medicine will evolve?

Aging will soon be recognized as a disease, basic to healthspan everywhere. The technique of medicine will shift to cell extraction, fix in the lab, and restoration in organs for all diseased organs. Liposomal drugs will be used for prophylaxis. It will happen in at least my health span!

Dr. Sinclair has mentioned 3 exciting things?

1 working on blood-based Horovith age test, way cheaper than current Rs25000-35000 test, 2 needed for before and after.

2. Knowing if it helps fast within a month you feel the energy from NAD+ you made and SASP reduced by Fisetin

3 Continue testing MIB-626 in FDA2 after excellent FDA1 results. This improves on NMN+ Resveratrol, a better molecule for NAD+ and nitric oxide (I take L-ARGININE for it).

Drug delivery systerms

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