Monday, October 18, 2021

Doubts on Dr. Arya health extension


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I am very conservative, but have done my FDA equivalent evidence implementation of two issues – examination for safety and effectiveness, some of my criteria are not a part of FDA-test, now or expected, because of legal difficulties in applying the concepts. Current axioms are sufficiently useful for non-experimenting citizens of the earth but true for investigation by clinical test volunteers.


Three basic drawbacks of the current state-of-world are, one, the stupid attempt by hyper-conservative citizens to determine safety by automatic disbelief in chemical names, as if avoiding such products will prevent attack by products, or disbelief in agencies, especially government as if they will be saved from imagined fears. Apigenin, Fisetin, and Quertecin suffer from this defect – people are amazed at how much they quaff from strawberries, dhania for example! The standard response to such idiots is water is dihydrogen oxide! Plenty find impossible conspiracies in court-controlled government agencies. NASA conspiracy of moon trip is like that. So arguments based on chemical names (me known or speechless) or the absence of established facts are considered dumb.



Second is a denial of long practice or use for years greater than 30. I am conservative enough to avoid all non-Bayesian statistic derivations but not full century or 1500 years as stevia safety age is in Peru. Or japan experience starting 1970! Conservatism beyond 30-years (argument-less re 20 or 40) is stupid, as are all meta-morons who still condemn fluoride or D3 add!


The third is species-dependent presence in the body in biological reactions for the same purposes. Resveratrol and Pterostilbene are present in plants to battle attacks by microbes. NMN and NAD+ are present in the Human body!


For many reasons, the only theory of Aging I subscribe to is a combination of Dr. Sinclair and Dr. de Grey. With Age, NAD+ reduces continuously, needed by many organic reactions, and boosted by Resveratrol, NMN, and direct NAD, safe because of long use. Or plant source. The cause is a continuous increase in SASP which hates NAD+, causes inflammation (old folks have a characteristic cough) produced by senescent cells. SASP is a group of chemicals reduced by Apigenin, Fisetin, and Quercetin; each a common food flavonoid, hence safe, and effective as per Dr. de Grey. The worst SASP is bio-named CD-38 and relieved by Fisetin. It also has a mouse-based clinical test. It is possible to intersperse with no Fisetin after Fisetin steps of mayo protocol, which requires careful calculation as liposome is 50 times more effective bioavailability wise!


The effectiveness of Resveratrol as boosters is from the fact of plant source (red grapes) or long use and presence in the body like NMN and NAD+. So, while my menu has no FDA support, I have enough data to my satisfaction that the ingredients are safe. There is still the possibility that the mix or numerosity of chemicals is dangerous. All chemicals seem to ignore each other and I am open to counterarguments as per TRS that define my engineering. It is unlikely that these chemicals have joint effects. But that is where the liberal stress in me comes forth. It is unlikely that FDA-approved drugs for Aging will be available soon. I am willing to take some chances since 65 is the age once you cross it, evolution does not help with processes that have survival value and the grace that helps you most is genetic and, at this point, regrettable lifelong actions and their effects today.


I want to live healthily and will spend time, money, intelligence to consider the details of believable health-span interventions. I consider aging a complex topic. If you make your own decisions intelligently, then some molecular chemistry, cell biology, and genetics are needed. Like any investment, this is in me, conservatism helps in constraining choices, safety is paramount, effectiveness is next in triage in my life.

Aging very likely occurs from defects in DNA repair, but that knowledge is not needed by patients or intervenors like me, who can view aging as NAD+ decline and rising of SASP. Now let us consider the totality of my interventions, Constant decline of NAD+ (a form of vitamin B3) can be scientifically demonstrated during aging and fixed using safe and effective, by among others, Resveratrol, NMN, NAD+ as clear from estimated Dr. Sinclair diet. The decline comes from constantly rising SASP that are created by senescent cells (Another way of saying aging) bothered by NAD+. Dr. de Grey believes that NAD+ declines because SASP is controllable by safe and effective senolytes Apigenin, Fisetin, and Quertecin. Fisetin has entered Dr. Sinclair's diet in the last few months! My very big add is after abandoning search of friendly mm doctors for injection given supplements to liposome - it is a worthwhile risk after a lot of reading. This is where molecular chemistry, cell biology, immunology, and genetics come from. And I am certain on reading hundreds of US NCBI reports comes in that one can safely say that 99% of doctors forget their science basics, imparted during education. Most will fail to understand mRNA, the one-way opacity of nucleolus, how vaccines work, and their relation to healthspan.

In addition, apart from mm medicine, I use CoQ10 and D3/K2 liposomes. It is likely optional but useful to heart and osteoarthritis/osteopenia patients.

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