Monday, July 19, 2021

Reversal of epigenetic aging


The latest link

video link

TWO and HALF HOUR Sinclair to Rogan video If you can listen (very listenable) do so because it covers several of my ideas over 2 years, you will be amazed at how close and prescient I am. If you took my stuff as fiction, it is not. I listened and learned that my loss of faith in ever curing osteoarthritis is bullshit because a cure is in FDA-2. I was sure that heart fix and diabetes fix is just around the corner. But I know that osteoarthritis forces people to get surgical hips and knees and lifelong trouble after that. I had even started on coming death and legacy issues. Just cheerful life after this.

I have visible enormous contempt for all non-empirical statements about all science subjects and very accommodating attitude (secular ?) on political subjects except visible contempt if science misquoted or undue criticism, example being putting up posters attacking Modi for diverting our children vaccine to foreigners. The key point addressed here is science of aging, meaningful only if objective measurements can be made to objective human age correlates.

 Aging becomes a science subject only because Horvath pioneered DNAm (methylation) epigenetic age correlates to calendar age at 0.98 level, reductions correlate with increased life and Grim age (years to natural death) have equally strong correlation. From my POV (point of view), reduction in epigenetic age is basic to any sane claims. Only experimental correlations, no child born is aged like any parent, can only happen in Dr. Sinclair theory of Aging being directly related to DNA repair success, given the large number of cells in any organ statistically, the aging does not vary, experimentally found by Dr. Horvath in all parts of human body and in all Eutheria!

Clearly then "Reversal of epigenetic aging" demonstrations are real valuable science, all others are emfubar waste of time and deserves criminal proceedings and not "normal human differences" or "turn the other cheek"!

 HGH trial

HGH stands for Human growth hormone, in which IGF-1 is the major relevant component (Insulin-like Growth factor) . It has many detractors, despite favor with some Silicon Valley billionaires, from whose experience, the precipitation of diabetes was found. Dr. Gregory M. Fahy got the idea of clinical test of HGH and simultaneous anti-diabetes medication of DHA and metformin. The test was really doctor hand holding for not only longevity properties but also determine cancer properties and individual ADJUSTED dose. Four DNAm ages were used. Even Grim age was measured.The four ages were strongly correlated.

The following 3 observations, modulo the small elected (all 50-65 males, racially similar) does suggest

1. Extended trial starting now of TRIIM will be the clincher. Results due October 2022

2. HGH likely cancer safe

3. Diabetes properly handled

I still have a problem. The benefits could have come from metformin and DHEA. NO one has tested them in isolation! TAME, measures effectiveness of metformin, conceived in 2015 raised 75M $ recently and starts about now. 6 years as no drug co interested and FDA does not consider Aging a disease, every $ donation. Still, thyroids did change, shedding some fat, in favor of  T cell regrowth in Aged, accelerated gain in reduced age towards the end. Enough evidence for Bio-hacker me.

    My concerns are not for me the bio-hacker. Worst case, HGH is a waste. No one else has ideas to fix the thymus! Results of the Epigenetic Aging Reversal Clinical Trial, the researchers observed an increase in the size of the functional thymic mass following treatment, which is consistent with a reversal of immunosenescence.

Potential reversal of epigenetic age using a diet

 Manipulations to slow biological aging and extend health span are of interest given the societal and healthcare costs of our aging population. Herein, we report on a randomized controlled clinical trial conducted among 43 healthy adult males between the ages of 50-72. The 8-week treatment program included diet, sleep, exercise and relaxation guidance, and supplemental probiotics and phytonutrients. The control group received no intervention. Genome-wide DNA methylation analysis was conducted on saliva samples using the Illumina Methylation Epic Array, and DNAm Age was calculated using the online Horvath DNAm Age clock (2013). The diet and lifestyle treatment was associated with a 3.23 years decrease in DNAm Age compared with controls (p=0.018). DNAm Age of those in the treatment group decreased by an average 1.96 years by the end of the program compared to the same individuals at the beginning, with a strong trend towards significance (p=0.066). Changes in blood biomarkers were significant for mean serum 5-methyltetrahydrofolate (+15%, p=0.004) and mean triglycerides (-25%, p=0.009). To our knowledge, this is the first randomized controlled study to suggest that specific diet and lifestyle interventions may reverse Horvath DNAm Age (2013) epigenetic aging in healthy adult males. Larger-scale and longer duration clinical trials are needed to confirm these findings, as well as investigation in other human populations.


BEST Refereed overview of aging, very strongly recommended, official USA government stands behind it.

A ride through the epigenetic landscape: aging reversal

Epigenetics plays a significant role, and several epigenetic interventions can modulate lifespan. This review will explore the interplay between epigenetics and aging, and how epigenetic reprogramming can be harnessed for age reversal. In vivo partial reprogramming holds great promise as a possible therapy, but several limitations remain.

 Interesting link. What is discussed are Yamanaka factors.

The Road to Reversing Epigenetic Aging |

In their study, the researchers claim that the cellular memory erasure and the resetting of epigenetic aging markers can be separated because the reversal of aging markers happens first in the reprogramming process; in other words, they believe that if they can expose cells just long enough to the reprogramming factors, it should be possible to reverse their epigenetic aging without resetting their type, which would obviously be bad news inside your body.

 My summary is limited Arya-Aging-test evidence. Only one likely winner, even that unclear. End of next year, limited doctors will understand evidence. Enough for bio-hacker me, but I will not recommend it to anyone. For me safe, questionable efficacy, muddled weak evidence. HGH is not a poison, but controllable poison, HGH seems to stop with adulthood because it precipitates aging that metformin and DHEA prevent. Grandparents seem to have evolutionary purpose, else why would evolution care to make low diabetes persons more survivable past reproduction!

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