Friday, July 9, 2021

Cover letter


My best, you can tell after read, aware of quality. Put in a lot of effort for it lays out a program for next 20 years at least, since it is no more understanding aging but rejuvenation – how to defeat aging for a healthy aging where age is just a number. I am confident about 100 years, hopeful about the next 200, and as yet, clueless about 700 years after that. My confidence is based on strict scientific basis where mechanism has been empirically found, products are starting, and I can fit in some niche, most likely as a Liposome form builder. The market is boundless.

vitaDAO is the latest Dr. de Grey effort, all glory and luck to him, for his success in its launch will also work for all future DAO launch template and change motivation from money and control to use of the product!

Read on then. I consider the latest write-up as a rational overview of many elements into a coherent whole for rejuvenation and products for it. Theory is done, empirical work starts, starting with company relations and getting starting materials for value add and selling.

Please help me, never financially, by asking me any question or even tip you may have or like to see. This completion is of my tapasya, changing from hands off theoretical unconcerned scientist to caring, helpful, concerned producer.

Public link to the effort documentation

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