Thursday, July 22, 2021

Compact aging rejuvenation


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A common all-intelligent problem is what to read given the number of authors and their interests. Aging is particularly rife with stupids claiming wisdom. Here is my solution to this universal problem limited to Aging. Construct a list of major contributors who acted scientifically (empirical proofs, recursively all assumptions, repeated). Read as per recommended. Works often because scientists are generally aloof to commercial interests, if not a research funder. Unlikely for them to fail to recommend disruptive.

For aging, my list beyond me is Dr. de Grey (saint, Senolytics, vitaDAO), Dr. Sinclair (resveratrol, NMN, NO), Dr Horvath (DNAm, GrimAge, Eutherians), Drs. Conboy (dissimilar parabiosis, Not Proteins but dilution), Dr. Fahy (Age gain), Dr. Yamanaka (factors) and Dr. Malone (mRNA).

Having a stable rejuvenation base itself, a very tall claim. Because it implies that aging has been understood, paradigms of rejuvenation have been understood to the point of deciding what research and developments to track and self apply. New disruptive paradigms will arise, but they can be contrasted and checked and pursued if explicitly recommended. A lot of research can be safely ignored absent disruption claims (which can be rapidly checked). Every researcher thinks they are relevant, and the hardest job of a person is to separate wheat from chaff, my approach is ignoring all but some paradigms.

For Aging, developments using liposome will eliminate mostly need for Doctors. Injection use will drop much.

Why bother with what you say?

It is being done to

1. Provide a common thread for subsequent aging interventions

2. Is stable enough to serve as a base

3. Provide references to all 20 years research that led to this stable base

4. Explain new terminology I introduce, for rapid access to underlying ideas

5. Explains why 2021 is necessa4y for this essay. That provides a base date for referring to future developments.

What rejuvenation paradigms I consider worth not ignoring?

The simplest way is to list some names and understand their paradigms to the point of understanding it as science and then argue, if it is important, why has the no notable not referenced it. This works without fail unless some notables disagree when your own resolution makes sense. The list of notables is dynamic and individual, my list is a starter.

What are my paradigms, in words, not numbers?

The bone paradigm is benefits to the bones. It intersects with blood paradigm because same chemicals like k1 and k2 work on better bones and widening blood channel improvements.

The blood paradigm collects all methods that deliver chemicals using blood or improve blood delivery by operating on endothelial cells or heart pumping. These include three major topics, NAD+ boosting with NR, NMN, NADH, NAD+; SASP and senescent cell removal by Senolytics; Resveratrol or Pterostilbene and other nitric oxide methods; Dilution of blood, filtering and dialysis for aging.

Next paradigm is organ improvement without replacing them, Top methods are Yamanaka like factors (OSKM, OSK, OSKLN,…) administered in cyclic dilute form and immunotherapy; and immunotherapy. Included in immunotherapy are methods for creating white cells and rejuvenation of the thymus. The improvements may be in vivo; or cells drawn, fixed and returned after in-lab processing. Immunotherapy and mRNA drugs and vaccine require boost to white cells and thymus that fail after 65. It will be done by Dr. Fahy method and by lab grown white blood cell made from patient marrow.

The final paradigm is external growth of organs and replacing entire organs with externally grown ones, compatible because populated by consumer's own cells.

300 years have elapsed by now. What comes next? I do not know. Cyborg transfer next?

Why 2021 is necessary for this essay?

The decade after 2000 saw dissimilar age parabiosis which erroneously suggested magic proteins in young blood. Mistaken suggestion exposed by v2020 and dilution okayed in dilution trial. Dr. De Grey did a stable top level deaging design and invented senolytics concept. Dr. Sinclair discovered resveratrol and discovered NMN in 2010 decade. Horvath discovered epigenetic marks tale. In current decade, showed the tables applied in eutherians. Dr. Sinclair found aging was a universal property of eutherians life by being related to efficiency of correct DNA copy in cell duplication. Supported by similar aging in organs and eutherians wide. He was able to age deferentially in twins and reactivate a not-possible adult mouse crushed optic nerve. Yamanaka did Nobel quality work to OSKM iPSC cells from any. Horvath defined his clock, grimAge, Eutheria applicability. Fahy did only Age-gain clinical FDA accepted trial. Malone discovered mRNA vaccines.

Before 2021, Eutheria applicability of Horvath clock was in the future. One can not extend Dr. Sinclair to Eutheria, IE most land animals, but marsupials like kangaroo. This is an empirical clincher.

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