Tuesday, July 20, 2021

Universal visits after 1000 years, tech-fi

consciousness download

Tech-fi is my neologism, to indicate, unlike sci-fi, that no new science is postulated, no contradiction to current laws assumed,  it is fiction solely because of cost or time reasons.

Singularity, bio age increment 1+ year per calendar year, happened in mid-part of century 21. Path to this date is expected in 2022 by E5 od Dr. Katcher.

Here I assume the development of MIT technology to a form that allows the reading and writing of brains, and hence the cyborg instantiation. Extrasolar travel at light speed is possible for the bits. Only a receiver at the other end is needed to receive the bits and transfer them into the cyborg. Within the solar system, receive/send stations are ubiquitous per planet. The stations are moved slow, way under light-speed over 1000s of years across to Extrasolar stars and millions of years between galaxies. Does not bother the near-infinite year life humans.

The expansion can be done at an under-light speed too. Think of the enormous boredom of the human. Travel at light speed as bits has a deep Einstein reason, regardless of universe time elapse, the time spent by photons is zero! Travel to any destination is possible.

Truly tech-fi things are possible! There is a limited visibility cone at any point, which happens when the receding velocity of outermost galaxies exceeds the velocity of light. Henceforth, they do not exist. Depending on the rate of expansion of space, a reception station set may also be in them. Then one can travel at light speed to them since there might be receiving stations from which still visible. This happens till the space expansion velocity is still small compared to light! But the expansion seems to accelerate with time. Some future me will have to give up then.

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