Wednesday, July 21, 2021

OSKLN investigations - the promise


What is this and why important?

Yamanaka factors are OSKM (Oct4, Sox2, Klf4, cMyc ) and experimentally medicine applications do well with just as well without M which makes the mix cancerous sometimes. New adds are LN for salts nanog and Lin28. The OSKM are sufficient, but too slow in conversions to iPSC. The mix OSKLN does it fast. If M (cMyc) is removed, then full conversion of, say B cells, can be shown to be impossible. It is important for commercial applications.


Let me now explain simple anatomy important to understand immunotherapy which is the primary development in the past decade and is a radical revolutionary disruptive Paradigm change fundamentally different from modern medicine, critical to cancer remedies and aging. That solution is fundamentally genetics and molecular biology, far better understood by medical students struggling with basic biology. Every doctor not in research is lost.

Working of immune system?

Simple Anatomy of Immune system?

Immune system is every where and adaptive Immune system is found in all jawed vertebrate. Blood is made up of red blood cells RBC, platelets and white blood cells WBC. Basic to any top level blood work is complete blood count CBC. Human immune white cells are of five coarse type. One WBC is tied to Thymus and divides into subtypes of B cells and T cells. B cells are less powerful than T cells who can become adaptive by reprogramming. The genesis of T cells is from marrow of the bones. Thymus, i8n all vertebrate suffers from involution and is a blob of fat by adult mood. Cells already made live on, but by age 65 start turning into blobs of fat and dying a process complete by 80. The ability to fight infection plummets and large fraction is dead in less hygienic world. In developed world with modern cleanliness, infection rates are lower. Covid-19 breaks cleanliness rules and infected developed world far more than less developed with much greater immunity conferred by lot more forced immunothereapy use in fighting infections missing in developed! Even in India, one can see lot more impact in richer states.

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