Tuesday, June 16, 2020

The addiction: Heroin or anti-oxidant

mea culpa. International emfubar capitalists spread a web around me using slyly bought doctors causing significant money damage to me in the past! Ros or reactive oxygen series is usefully suppressed in some but harmfully in other cases. Using quote from the Grand master <Through the 1970s and 1980s, Harman and hundreds of other researchers
tested whether antioxidants would extend the lifespan of animals. FALSE. If old habits die hard, the free-radical idea is heroin. The theory was overturned
by scientists within the cloisters of my field more than a decade ago, yet it is still
widely perpetuated by purveyors of pills and drinks, who fuel a $3 billion global
industry. Arlan Richardson and Holly Van Remmen spent about a decade at the
University of Texas at San Antonio testing if increasing free-radical damage or
mutations in mice led to aging; it didn’t.>

I wish this research was published three years ago. Would have saved me lot of money and stupid belief. NMN was ok since it was anti-oxidant. so was coQ10 and even mitoQ. You took for free radicals. Even if I was not suffering a disease, anti-oxidants improved my age!

Mortality in Randomized Trials of Antioxidant Supplements for Primary an d Secondary Prevention: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis  https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/17327526/

As for chem-blind nothing like rapamycin, good in infrequent small doses only for higher or frequent doses hurt kidney.damage to ventilator

Now a strong advice, severely effected covid patients, must be given iv resveratrol since damage to ventilator-bound-patient's lungs is not by Covid but cytotkine storm.For long life, resveratrol supplementation has known no evil side-effects and relaxes cytokine by sirt1!

Overexpression of SIRT1 Protects Pancreatic Beta-Cells Against Cytokine Toxicity by Suppressing the Nuclear factor-kappaB Signaling Pathway  https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/19008341/

Note that resveratrol can be safely added to ordered drugs

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