Monday, June 8, 2020

Epiclock - Epigenetic weltanschauung

semantics: Every where, objective in the sense of judgement of randomly selected jury, is implied even if missing.

Enabler We report here that epigenetic ageing is not affected by replicative senescence, telomere length, somatic cell differentiation, cellular proliferation rate or frequency - Rapamycin Retards Epigenetic Ageing of Keratinocytes Independently of Its Effects on Replicative ,Senescence Proliferation and Differentiation ..

Accuracy The median error of estimated age is 3.6 years across a wide spectrum of tissues and cell types [10], although this increases for older individuals[22] The epigenetic clock performs well in heterogeneous tissues (for example, whole blood, peripheral blood mono nuclear cells, cerebellar samples, occipital cortex, buccal epithelium, colon, adipose, kidney, liver, lung, saliva, uterine cervix, epidermis, muscle) as well as in individual cell types such as CD4 T cells, CD14 monocytes, glial cells, neurons, immortalized B cells, mesenchymal stromal cells.[10] However, accuracy depends to some extent on the source of the DNA. ;

Epigenetic democracy Even better than minimal life, happiness and freedom is prolong life with the goal of conquering death. It has  begun with the development of epigentic clock that measures bio-age better and is hence better than the objective wall clock. Any weltanschaung that improves population epiclock better is objectively superior than other weltanschauungs. A population can objectively measure the performance of its political leaders by even a good statistical survey!

Democratic death Independence is a measure that is perhaps less important as death, but legal stupid belief transcend even death. You can try to convince for an objective period but then give unlimited criticism post death. Certainly included are death is natural, accept no blood, the child will die, wrong to artificially extend life, i am tired of pain etc. Certainly excluded are no prospects, done badly in exam or love etc that are listed in illegal suicides. In between the explicit lists are issues to be solved by judiciary, or politics in time bound manner to extend the lists. This generic solution will be applied to all related explicit lists.

<Massive brain set of the class, friends and family is invited to contribute para, included in above, or respectable contributions, as per me, to me. ~All para to carry name preferred by contributor>

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