Wednesday, June 3, 2020

HCQ etc

Much flip-flop on HCQ. I believe it was being administered to Dharavi residents as a prophylactic. Perhaps other slums too. Haven't heard about the outcome. Sir Mohoni
10:42 AM

HCQ and phosphate are different despite sharing quinine - HCQ is Trump baby, chinese scientists are equal to best west, never-mind USA now; but Govt captive.

I am NOT a professional chemist, the phosphate ion makes it acidic while HCQ is a base pH from OH-.

a study in The Lancet Rheumatology has found that hydroxychloroquine decreases the acidity in compartments in the cell membrane. Since many viruses use the acidity of these compartments to breach the membrane and set off the process of replicating copies of itself, the reduction of acidity can potentially inhibit viral replication. In 2005, the drug was used to treat SARS, but it failed to decrease the viral load in mice. HCQ probably works for very few.

Rajasthan doing HCQ for police. I suspect non-bjp folks but HCQ is failed Trump baby! These govt. not acting on results!

I suspect virus does penetrate compartments but then gets killed by quinine or phosphate or both.

I read somewhere that the US is administering four times the dosage that we are, and that has caused the reported complications and deaths - Sir Mohoni

US problem of plenty! If x is good, 4x should work miracles!

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