Tuesday, June 9, 2020

digilog - arya understanding of new Darwin for eternal life

Self link https://aaqg-arunarya.blogspot.com/2020/06/digilog-arya-understanding-of-new.html for latest.

The new Darwin is David Sinclair, first MIT then Harvard for 20 years, discoverer of resveratrol., billionaire from it, NASA chosen for health of first US astronauts to Mars, founder of the information theory of ageing and thorough gentleman like Elon Musk, open to non scientists.

Digilog is Sinclair information theory of ageing in 2020. All errors of misinterpretation and elision are mine and please point them to me for named textual acknowledgement. The essential theory is very short, discovery long, establishment very hard experimentation, only possible by superhuman effort but deliciously simple and explanatory. There is no reason why it cannot benefit every one, completed by my prediction of 2030, useful to all regardless of preparation, perpetual youth even if obese, sick or exercise-avoid er etc. Aging is really a disease; no medicine ever discriminates.

It is so simple, so universal  plants, fungi, animal - anything having a DNA. Imagine a two gene DNA A, B. All non-evolution morons stop here. DNA with this capacity will evolutionary only will survive! That is far more then all DNA without. a DNA gets this capability, it survives. Say A on means divide, ie propagate. B exists only some task. Now A generates a protein that can also do task of fix. The protein can only work when A is off. Sp A is shut when fixing B. This means cell as a whole cannot divide.
The protein goes to B, turns the gene on, fixes the DNA break, if possible, and turns off the gene. So while the repair is being done, dividing is off. If DNA is missing this correction, the mother and daughter get wrong genes. This happens because cells replicate by unwinding the helix into two strands and throughout replication, only one point joins two strands. A break is duplicated with wrong number of genes because the whole DNA after the break is lost. So mother and daughter are both faulty! We solved this problem in our DNA by suppressing the urge to divide and fix at same time.

The break can happen at any time at random, from UV radiation, pathogens, x-rays etc. That cell dies become much rarer. Means slow aging or cancer.

If we only limited to why? then only  biology. This is a magic time where 4 Yamanaka factors exist for another reason - convert any cell into pluripotent cells. One of the factors generates CANCER. Other three can be controlled to reverse a cell to various degrees of specialization. These modified cells can be used to replace erroneous cells. The critical point is that these are patients own and hence will generate no mismatch!
Another direction is not depend on replacement but fix cells in place by changing their age. Perhaps future will see these two methods applied by circumstances after research.

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