Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Aging: A study of Dr. Sinclair, current Darwin, aging theory of information

Digilog - new paradigm shift in Aging

Do you want to understand Dr. Sinclair as a human?

Excerpts and reactions from lifespan by Sinclair 1

If you want to understand Digilog in Dr. Sinclair  words?

Excerpts and reactions from lifespan by Sinclair 2

why bother with a DNA clock?

1 Surprising predictor of death
2 same accross tissues , fluids, animals
3 Predicts aging

DNA clock
Why  go to epiClock or epigenetic clock?

EPI-GENOME AND dna ARE BOTH METHYL MARKED WITH TIME. DNA is fixed at womb life., epiDNA is not.

1 It is a litle bit more accurate
2 It is, from Digilog, a way to transmit genetic information not bound by evolution, has methyl markers
3 may be the foundation of a new civization

Epiclock - Epigenetic weltanschauung

What is Digilog in your words?

What do past studies say about age and memory?



I am interested in rational-skeptic reco for things I can do and measure to plan and to get feedback

How does it all effect Aging?

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