Saturday, June 6, 2020

Digilog - new paradigm shift in Aging

A paradigm shift is a revolution that destroys ALL old methods and concepts and by definition, destroys experience. As a member of computer science, I have witnessed several paradigm shifts and destruction of all my friends but me, who smartened up fast, changed to academia and sincerely busied myself in research, redoing all with each shift.

This is my first piece and tells what was a(later) and why this is a paradigm shift. Digilog  is my neologism for this new paradigm, portmanteau from digital+analog, the generation is by Dr. David Sinclair who calls it theory of information, who along with Dr. Aubrey de Gray are the only doctors who make sense, and are both originally non-MD! In other words, digilog will hopefully force ALL MD to retire from AGEING, and destroys gerontology and geriatrics, both being staffed by inconsequential now till they learn and start using digilog concepts.

The first surprise is that perpetual youth and end of Aging are the same thing! That is because end of Aging is like jellyfish. second: It will work because it depends on Yamanaka factors (Nobel prize) that convert any cell to its pluripotent form. Right things are not as any per any religion, but evolution. Aging is from Cellcide from analog epienome transcription errors on broken digital DNA.

50 min long. MOST valuable video you will ever watch - Socrates-video not capable of summarizing.  Either you become convinced, or remain stupid - maximum strong words from me. It is falsifiable, hence a scientific theory. It treats Aging as a disease, not a source for any ethics. It works on all animals, easy for  evolutionist as me. Healthy things it propagates have zero value beyond your own health! Hopefully, you will NEVER abuse word natural again - death is NOT natural but consequence of bad life choices, not following empirical techniques  and lack of knowledge. I think it will be wish-death by 2030 (corona ends 2020 with CQP)!

Tremendous concept of Horvath clock and sane blood tests feedback. (Later)

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