Saturday, July 1, 2017

Whether and how of Niagen

Two EQUI-AGE 27 yr SIMIANS L & R, UNTREATED AND TREATED BY CALORIE-RESTRICTION MIMICKED. TWO PICS EACH, U & D, FACES AND BODY. AN AUSSIE DOC CLAIMS AGE 60 ENERGETIC LIKE 30'S, FATHER FROM 78 TO EARLY SIXTY. My goal of 2045 (expected singularity) very likely with Metformin and Niagen - just must convince doc to rid of assisted sulfonylurea medications of ziten-20M (1000mg metformin but 20 mg sulfonylurea).

Next step, I posit, is IPS stem cells, tranformed in testtubes to more specialised, delivered by injection to cell reproduction sites, extreme accuracy not needed as in trees that live for 4000 years. That is the singularity I seek. Hope to start on Niagen within a year and expect long time to quell my fears and debilitations occasioned by my TBI.

First convince yourself that Niagen is for you and it is not another Reservetrol. If doubtful, quit. Rest of this document is about “how?” and “whether?”.


Arun thinking?

Cells of animals tested are about our size. Hence for intracellular processes, per kg. weight scales.


Damage has been studied and Niagen was not found to be genotoxic to 1,000 mg/kg/day. Its toxicity and side effects were found to be similar to regular nicotinamide (Vitamin B3). This is about 40 times the suggested dose. There are over 150 articles on PubMed which mention nicotinamide riboside and they are not aware of any that mention serious side effects.

Why bother increasing NAD+?

The discharged is NAD+ but there is NO KNOWN WAY of boosting the charged ie NADH.
Hearing loss
Diabetic side effects and lipid profiles
Obesity and weight loss or gain
NIH researchers find potential target for reducing obesity-related inflammation
Cognitive decline and Alzheimer’s
Mitochondrial and stem cell function

How boost nad+?

Even though the ability to isolate and synthesize by NR is new, there has already been a great deal of research about boost. Every agent so far (like Resevtrol) is found in foods but quantities are minute. Every other agent is VERY sensitive to environmental and handling damage. NR is stable unlike reservetrol.

Why now?

 Much of research within just the past 5 years. David Sinclair (reservetrol, paid 750 million for co in 2008) has changed and is only one of many who are researching this.

Another reservetrol?


1.   NAD+ repletion improves mitochondrial and stem cell function and enhances life span in mice
2.   A number of known researchers were part of it, most coming from Switzerland along with one from Brazil and one from Canada. The paper suggests that using the NAD+ precursor, nicotinamide riboside, protects aging mice against muscle degeneration. Similar effect were also seen in neural stem cells.
3.   Speaking of muscles, another study from 2014 suggested that restoration of healthy NAD+ levels resulted in a partial reversal of skeletal muscle aging in old mice (23).
4.   Two papers from 2014 looked at NR and mitochondrial myopathy (24) (25).
5.   Many look at its effect on broader mitochondrial health and behavior (26) (27).
6.   A few people have asked whether Niagen is thought to benefit hair loss or grey hair, however we are aware of no studies  – neither animal or human – on those topics.

Business aspects

Is Niagen worth buying?

Body of evidence suggesting NR may be beneficial vastly outweighs anything there ever was for resveratrol, that’s for sure.
But setting aside the suspected health benefits/efficacy for a moment, one of the biggest dietary dosage benefits of nicotinamide riboside supplements is that they are relatively stable. Unlike resveratrol which easily and rapidly degrades from air, heat, and light exposure, NR stability seems to be comparable to many other vitamins and nutrients in terms of shelf life and the amount of potency preserved.
Compare that versus resveratrol bulk powder, tablets, and even the gel caps. With all of those, it’s highly speculative as to how much of the active ingredient are actually in them. Even more so after you repeatedly open and close a jar of resveratrol powder. So before even considering the nicotinamide riboside research, at least you can take comfort in that if you buy it, you’re getting the substance you’re paying for versus some highly oxidized and degraded powder.

Animals vs. humans, study conclusions vs. proof?

Will sirtuin activation be the key to increasing longevity in humans or not?
It’s important to remember that the vast majority of studies involved to date involve animal models taking high dosages. As we all know, not everything that works well in mice or even rhesus monkeys will necessarily translate to human biology.
With those caveats said, it appears the hype – as least as of to date – is justified, given the many promising studies so far suggesting its ability to increase NAD+ levels. However further research and clinical trials will be needed to verify whether or not the benefits are what many researchers suspect them to be.
It’s totally understandable why many say the gamble (as in, the money spent) to buy a nicotinamide riboside supplement or powder is well worth it based on the research.
Even one of the world’s richest – Mr. Li Ka-Shing who is worth an estimated $31 billion – is so compelled in this anti-aging research, that he bought up approximately 20% of ChromaDex in April 2017.
If you do purchase NR, remember that all the brands selling it are buying from ChromaDex. Therefore, you may want to choose based on price rather than your typical go-to brands. Especially since a daily regimen of a higher Niagen dosage will not be cheap.

Use it how?

With the bulk powder, very few sell itHPN’s Niagen powder (125 mg/60 servings) is the only seller we are currently aware of.

In terms of capsules, you have plenty of competition and therefore, you might get a better value per mg by going that route. It appears Live Cell Research Niagen might be the most popular, based solely on the number of reviews we see on Amazon for each product.

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Arun's add

Niagen is available on amazon, people have posted reactions, about 1 yr. About half benefitted a lot, other half think its a scam. I suspect the beneficiaries exercised, scam believer's did not. Hence I advocate undiminished exercise with this add. I am and my father is, even debilitated. I think that improved nad+ is not enough or useful in absense of exercise. Will post experiences when done. Even if a scam, still only waste of money if it is, in worst case. If useful, can revert to 'flushing' B3! Very cheap since made in india! 5* reviewers  sound +ve, 3* lazy. 1* depressed!

55-45 considered 50-50

[5* reviewer]

I am a 65 year old female who has had cancer twice, and have been in remission from stage 4 metastatic cancer for 11 years, due in part I believe to a regimen of supplements including resveratrol, quercetin, Vitamin C, Vitamin D3, and many others. I also walk 3 miles per day, and have tried to avoid sugar and refined carbs for much of that time.

Throughout the years I have been following anti-aging and anti-cancer research, as a curious layperson. I have explored writings and videos by David Sinclair of Harvard, Leonard Guarente of MIT, and others, leading me to the recent reports on the postulated benefits to humans of NAD precursor, Nicotinimide Riboside. Leonard Guarente himself takes it, according to his Elyseum website.

I started taking the recommended dose in early February, 2015, and can report some positive results, although I believe the dosage level is critical and probably varies widely, depending on one’s age and health status.

My experience has been that the prescribed dose of 250 mg. is simply too much. It revved me up, but the rebound effect was very noticeable--exhaustion. A suitable analogy might be constantly gunning and red-lining one’s old, inefficient engine. So I cut back to a half dose every other day. Much better. I still feel energetic--and optimistic--but am not completely exhausted hours later after the initial burst of energy has waned.

It would certainly seem logical that younger, healthy, and/or athletic folks already have sufficient amounts of NAD, so they probably wouldn't notice much if any improvement from supplementation with NR. However, old folks have NAD deficiency as a result of aging, and probably see a much greater benefit from supplementation with NR. which increases NAD.

I am guessing that most of the folks reporting little or no benefit from NR are either younger & healthy and have plenty of NAD; or, perhaps are taking far more than they need, producing some sort of negative hormesis-like response; or are not taking complementary doses of resveratrol, or other pterostilbenes, which operate in tandem with NAD as a substrate to influence anti-aging sirtuins.

[3* middle]
I think this is a good product. I did notice a slight increase in energy. I just don't think the minor results justify the price. It may work better on other people. One odd note, I got a slight bit of tooth sensitivity when taking them. I have never had sensitive teeth so it was a bit of a surprise. Could just be me.

I have not notice anything except possibly a reduction in joint pain. This does not mean though that it isn't good for me on a cellular level but I have no way to measure that. Will continue use for awhile.
[1* useless]
Took for over a month and felt tired and depressed. Immediately felt better after discontinuing

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