Sunday, July 9, 2017

Us as gods

Thisreference has major religious significance to me, the innovator of and solebeliever in aaqgs-religion. While referenced and reported in very off-hand manner, it is of vital importance to me as it analyses the famous gedankan experiment of James Clerk Maxwell 150 years ago on the famed demon that could violate the second law of thermodynamics. Why-not is a celebrated question in physics. Turns out, any physical demon has to store some things in memory and no finite sized memory would work. So the brain has to be garbage collected andwill require more energy to do than the energy extracted! So second law isclassically safe!

Physicists read Maxwell's Demon's mind

Quantum mechanics is different. The deep analysis above makes the assumption that a gas particle is higher energy for one bin, or lower energy for other bin. Eventually, one bin is higher temperature than other and a classic heat engine can extract work. Problem is in quantum mechanics, you can have a third possibility – both higher and lower energy at the same time! What next is the thunder in the paper.

It is yet another gedanken experiment at this time, but who knows in next thousand years! Living that long happens at singularity expected in 2040 decade. Living that long is metformin and niagen, the safe anti-oxidant, hence age sustaining long life. Wow!

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