Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Plan for and experiments in coming old age

No matter what your current age, every one yearns for amortal life and refuses to experiment away immortality if at all possible. What follows is a plan and sequence of experiments to test the feasibility. That it may fail is irrelevant, that it is NOT fiction (science or fantasy) and fully devoid of religion, is very important. We purge every religion by ONLY allowing one kind of truth beyond scientifically possible – extrapolation, calling ANYONT who calls for faith to be criminal subhuman. All pseudoscientists are purged by requiring empirical verification, multiple known independent verifications, historical statistics and no experimental debunking research done whenever possible.
With these filters, only known research that passes is calorie-restriction, great for increasing lifespan, b but not quality of life! Uniformly what can increase QoL is increase in NAD+, involved in NADH-NAD+ cycle for charging the batteries for effort. Age is uniformly seen as life-long accumulation of cellular damage. There are two distinct orthogonal problems here – old ag- creep and accumulated tiredness or reduced QoL. 

I propose two different approaches – one for higher QoL to delay death too beyond expected singularity and mechanism of singularity. Singularity has easy non-bio definition – point beyond which expected remaining life per year is more than 1 year.

The QoL and marginal life increase is from metformin and niagen. Two rigorous studies have started on each. Niagen is modern way to increase NAD+. It works where diets fail and where reservetrol and Glutathione failed. Why diets fail is clear from minute amounts that diets provide. Where Reservetrol failed follows from touchiness of the molecule and bioavailability. Glutathione is bio-availability.

For any cellular process, the chemical must pass through stomach-blood barrier. There is further reduction in cell absorption even in blood. Glutathoine has additional property of disrupting melanin production. That is why, it can be used as skin-lightner by 2/3 world population, who can even be thugged by Glutathione soaps! One can buy and eat heavy expensive concentration of Glutathione for marginal improvements in skin-color for a few months. Enough to make tons of money in arranged-marriage cultures like Korea, Vietnam and India. Best effect is produced by glutathione administered by IV route, something expensively done in top Indian cities under doctor supervision.
Neither Glutathione or Reservetrol at this point are effective for NAD+. However, a form of vitamin B3 called NR is stable and has been sold for about a year by amazon and does not cause dangerous flushing like regular B3. Comments by users are available for abouyt 1 year use and are 50-50.
I have the unique ability on earth to finish may IBE and convert it to customer-comment studies. IBE is required to eliminate false testimony – for and against. No one but I can when done! Current
Plan for tests

There is no need for testing singularity chemicals or procedures. The software for secure-customer test of equipment is wonderful application of AAFIBER (Arun Arya Family Identity Based Encryption Restricted) which only I on earth can do!

Quickly, modular square root is a one way function – sqrt are crypt-impossible while squares are easy. A sender encrypts with any 1000-2000 bit key in recipient mod and publishes the square and encryption in that key. Only the intended receiver can get sqrt from me on the cloud and decode. Key enabling observation by me is that p*P*Q*Q has a square root of P*Q and not knowing P or Q, P*Q is crypt-impossible. Thus the recipient can make many secret keys from his P. No one knows how to do sqrt efficiently but me, even knowing the factors of the modulus. Different nations can know own factors, decode any allowed message but not of any other nation! Further, without decode of the message, a message can be checked if modulus allowed. Thus, without worry about corrupt police, or foreign spies, a nation can permit encryption without enabling the terrorist!

Every application of MY sqrt extraction is open source and no patentable application will be allowed as a condition of sqrt use on the cloud. Nice things about one-way is the ease of checking the answer – just square it! How it works is instructive since each enrolled customer is like an IoT device. As sellor, I am simply conducting a survey. The customer responses are also encrypted if desired by the customer and exposed only to readers satisfying some filter. In particular, some responses are compensated and analyzed statistically for usage studies. Drug responses are a particular application of product studies, in which doctor permission and re-patient-protocol are followed. NR is not restricted drug yet.

A complete product testing mechanism can be created by me that can compete with likes of consumer reports. It is particularly useful for investigating the effects of various supplements and ayurvedic or unani drugs and procedures. It is also useful to prove that homeopathy is a criminal enterprise where the patients are entitled to sue the treatment alleged.

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