Friday, June 30, 2017

Aging and forced action

Aging and action

I consider self a rational skeptic i.e. a stoic, very argumentative and difficult to convince unless the proof is my style (hence safe from prestidigitation i.e. hard to explain street magic). That is science too, stopping at some point in favor of broad theories. All of this became very real for two things – rapidity of satisfactory research, rapid deterioration of dad’s condition and my belief that if there are (there!) unknown risks, they pale before risks of inaction! This latter point is buttressed by the fact that the compound is related to vitamin B3, there are NO reports of adverse effects by early enthusiasts, it is unlikely a scam since retailers like costco are developing their brands, substantial drop in prices are expected for my and mother use in 6 months as we have the time, an  Australian doc feeds himself AND his father (late seventies), amazingly +ve results etc. Point is I can wait, Japanese study since october2016 will have run 1 year, and while prove nothing on safety (like stevia), but certain results on benefits.

What is NR and NMN?

Let us read my article on aging again at cellular level. Hence applicable to all animals but unicellular. Briefly, all items from protein, fats ,carbs become glucose when consumed as food for energy become Glucose, in turn charges up bio-battery that drains on effort and is recharged by food. Three chemical cycles are involved, two uninteresting being citric acid and atp-adp cycles. The third is crucial NADH drains to NAD+, There is no way to synthesize NADH. However NAD+ cane be synthesized by de novo and reuse steps. NR is analog of NMN appropriate for humans as NMN is for mice. Great improvements have beenexperimentally seen in rats and rhesus monkeys. NR is like a precursor of vitamin B3. Actually it is B3 without the hot flushes common to B3, hence tolerated better, with B3 equal risk - water soluble unlike vitamin A, hence very safe even in overdoses.

 You get NR or NMN from some superfoods. Problem is the astronomical amounts of salads you must eat! 250-500 mg/day is based on informal study. Too much does not incease nad+. Popular pills are 250 mg once a day. You have to eat salads by tonnes! BTW, Nicotinamide has no relation, whatsoever, with nicotine, except spelled similarly!

Research in mice used NMN (Nicotinamide Mono-Nucleotide) to increase NAD+ levels can “turn back the clock” and make muscles, organs and tissues in older mice resemble that of much younger animals.

Research in humans has shown that both NMN and NR(NICOTINAMIDE RIBOSIDE) raise NAD+ levels, which helps to ameliorate some age related conditions, although it is too soon to know yet how effective it will be.
The 6 Nobel Laureate scientists behind Basis believe in benefits of NR supplementation, but so far they are mostly just theories.The recently completed, but not yet published research using BASIS with elderly humans measured much more than just NAD+ levels. Secondary endpoints measured:
·         Treadmill performance
·         Chair standing
·         Elderly activity performance standards
·         Body Weight
Many other clinical studies are currently underway, including:
·         Neuroprotection – testing college football players for protection against concussion
·         Weight Loss
·         Improved Memory
·         Athletic Performance – Endurance
Conclusion: The possible benefits are massive, but don’t know if humans will experience ALL the health benefits achieved in testing with mice.

MY points?

1. There is nothing magical, though as  Sir says "science is magical to retards". The NAD+ is a well-known fact of elementary biology. Clearly, if one postulates Aging as "accumulated damage", sane questions are limit rate of accumulation safely and reverse the damage. One implication of aging is dropping nad+, which is like energy drain. Increasing nad+ does that, by NR. Right now FDA considers NR as unproven! Sp its a scam or not, 99.9% a scam. Fortunately, candidate for 0.1% because

1. No damage to users (explain: like a vitamin B3)
2. Anecdotal reported improvements
3. Expensive but limited risk (2 month = $50)
4 Access to US travellor to escape severe mal-mix in India
5 Some usefulness even otherwise

These filter will remove most claims but reservtrol, the disappointment. I believe that anti-oxidant wars are critical to minimizing speed of damage accumulation, reservtrol is but one anti-oxidant and no honest sounding rejuvenation reservtrol anecdotes. IE, anti-oxidants have a role in anti-aging diet but none in rejuvenation. NR does that, anecdotally within 2 months on 250 mg diet per day. Only bad effect likely is expensive near B3!!

Business basics?

NR is patented and tightly controlled by CHROMADEX. So whoever markets as expensive to very expensive. Fortunately, the labels do not differ in quality (service quality another matter).
Cheapest recommended (else $120 & $240) is

250 mg, 60 Capsules
Niagen is the patented name. Anazon handles even import hassles. It is cheapest for 250 mg dose per recommended dose.

When Costco gets in the act (2-6 month) I & Mom can. Meanwhile Dad can start. Cannot hurt except waste of money! Six month supply costs less than 1/4 of an angio-plasty!

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