Monday, July 24, 2017

Cosmic collider

To current knowledge, but complete, was reported recently that unifies the universe and the very small thus ignites mind-bending imagination in my tech fi mind! "Through inflation, the spectrum of elementary particles is encoded in the statistics of the distribution of the contents of the universe, such as the galaxies and cosmic microwave background, that we observe today," explains Xingang Chen, a co-author and scientist in the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics. "This is the connection between the smallest and largest."

In other words, the entire universe was an inflating atom just at big bang. Between then and now the universe is much bigger from inflation but the spectrum of sub-atomic particles is faintly recorded in the CMB! That is the connection between very large and very small, Natural but mind-blowing. To imagine the entire universe as a sub-atom!

It proves scientific theory of creation through a big bang and buries forever the Fred-Hoyle+Narlikar model of steady state universe or its later incarnations or doubts from ANY religion!

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