Tuesday, July 4, 2017

NRK1 enzyme and explanation of diverse results

Here are some probable reasons, derived from knowledge of criminals
1.       Either amazon or someone is spending money to feed bullshit reviews and clicks. Matters not id amazon indignantly denies it. I, and only a few people who can do IBE, can prevent vote and review fraud. Only I, on earth, can do it by square roots, not even the greats. The immediate advantage is that while sqrt is crypt-impossible, squaring is eas. Further ziillions (in fact 10^300+) of independent fields (trillions per user in population of trillions, quadrillion of devices for IoT etc). Not many can say this with confidence. Fortunately for me, click fraud and paid reviews are profitable and loved by neo-criminals. Fortunately for Sir Bezos, I a’int competing with him yet. This gives me a very powerful vulnerability.

2.       As I guessed based on perusal of reviews, those who find it works believe in it and exercise, middle ones are lazy, while tail enders are depressed!

3.       3. The dosages and minimum period varies. Every one did it there own way – AMA has not managed to get treatment declared to be doctor only ye! Best use seems to be varied dose based on energy needs.

4.       Age matters – elders luckily benefit most from the extra energy. The younger probably (certainly I think) are unfamiliar with enervation, won’t even see the extra enegy.
5.       Now this that requires real read – NRK1 enzyme.

Tempel et al


The eukaryotic nicotinamide riboside kinase (Nrk) pathway, which is induced in response to nerve damage and promotes replicative life span in yeast, converts nicotinamide riboside to nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD+) by phosphorylation and adenylylation. Crystal structures of human Nrk1 bound to nucleoside and nucleotide substrates and products revealed an enzyme structurally similar to Rossmann fold metabolite kinases and allowed the identification of active site residues, which were shown to be essential for human Nrk1 and Nrk2 activity in vivo. Although the structures account for the 500-fold discrimination between nicotinamide riboside and pyrimidine nucleosides, no enzyme feature was identified to recognize the distinctive carboxamide group of nicotinamide riboside. Indeed, nicotinic acid riboside is a specific substrate of human Nrk enzymes and is utilized in yeast in a novel biosynthetic pathway that depends on Nrk and NAD+ synthetase. Additionally, nicotinic acid riboside is utilized in vivo by Urh1, Pnp1, and Preiss-Handler salvage. Thus, crystal structures of Nrk1 led to the identification of new pathways to NAD+.
What does it mean in human English?
Based on yeast model, lifespan extends. NRK acitivty post nerve damage is enough to distinguish carboxamide.Human NRK induced novel paths toNAD+ synthesis in yeast! The reverse may be true – something like NRK is an effective add to NR supplementation.

A comment - However, when the company asked me my opinion of the product, I didn't include the dosage in each capsule. I think you could research that info for yourself. I followed the suggested daily amounts and found that the product sucked. Let me rephrase that, if it sucked that means the product did something. The product did NOTHING! I repeat don't waste your money. Cool?
Another comment -
I was on this for about 7-8 months. I am a 66 yr. old female and I still work full time as an accountant. Approx. 2 months ago I decided to go off of it due to the expense of Christmas, etc., and I had began taking Pteromax, a stilbene polyphenol complex by Biotiva. So I assumed that I probably didn't need to have both as they are both quite expensive.
Or –this –

I am guessing that most of the folks reporting little or no benefit from NR are either younger & healthy and have plenty of NAD; or, perhaps are taking far more than they need, producing some sort of negative hormesis-like response; or are not taking complementary doses of resveratrol, or other pterostilbenes, which operate in tandem with NAD as a substrate to influence anti-aging sirtuins.

Fortunately, bad one very rare comment. Big question is dosage. Tested rats were given 24 md/kg wight. That’s nearly  1 – 2 gms per human per day. Some elderly hated the energy feel leading to quic exhaustion. They felt results even at 250 mg dose. Think enough to test – important point is nontoxic till 40 times, or 10 gms. Increase if any good/best way.

Fascinating thought

I consider drug companies to be criminal – they have no sane way to price a drug differently in different markets based on ability to pay, and hence indulge is perhaps-legal but I-consider criminal ways. Using my IBE, hopefully done by by IoT UK conference or may be next year (if NR works, so goes unholy fears in me of timing) then there is some sense in formalizing what I am doing and do continuous integrated  drug testing with sales. I think that more than average drug study is false (consider fat versus sweets versus diabetes), stevia etc, and loudly say that lawyers and judges are  non-participatory but responsible criminals  too. The fact is that ADA and AHA are responsible too unless they accept responsibility and change drastically.

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