Thursday, July 20, 2017

Getting it all together

Time to go beyond gmail, blogger and facebook.

1990 was a blow to me, fascinating because I cannot physically remember it. I remember a new beginning in the Boston rehabilitation unit. I learned how to brush and walk up three stairs in the physical therapy unit toy, not fall of the bed (I did, led to emergency visit and stiches). Wore a halo. In a few months, insurance ran out and I started on train every day to Lowell. I was diagnosed as TBI which means keep yourself very focused, ignore the voices, particularly those glorifying actions leading to suicide, or leading to it as the honorable necessity. It would be considered a crime by mother social security.

Twenty six years passed and I took stock. My father was mortally sick. Even my mother expected me to show some back bone. I had undergone twin eye operation, lost all of upper teeth, had to be on depaquote to fight headaches, had had 10 angioplasty, triple bypass and 4 stents, had questionable liver and kidneys, pained in legs, had bad soles and was a diabetic. Still cheerful because my parents had built a shell to protect me from real world which I viewed through Internet. I was very smart like Ancient Rishi – unify information skeptibly. The skill requires practice, the idea is to Haskell like unify to possibilities assuming that most narratives are honest but some parts, despite being strongly believed by the narrator are simply undefined!

Medical troubles all pointed to uniform disease mother – diabetes, reducing blood flow in many small arteries, hence the diseases. Sugar control became top priority – exercise and diet, religous weight control and gym visits. I have skipped medicine just once in last 10 years, and never gym, twice a day now, unless sick, even travelling. Every single physical disease has been crushed but not much progress in mental health. When will the ghosts leave me, stop acting scared of the world, or stop feeling cheated every time!

3 goals in 2016, urgent, were money, proper old age and respect. Answers were obvious – deep study of medicine but not as a cure for anything specific; aafiber (arun arya family identity based encryption restricted) for money and my religion like rishi for respect. As stoic, I could toil away happily for rest of my life on these.

Not every day you wish to be attacked, but that would be a favor to me. The controversy between epicureans (hard atheists, most here) and stoics (agnostics) goes back 3000 years. A few weeks ago appeared the paper analyzed above which strengthens my agnosticism over atheism since while indefinite life was forbidden by classical physics; it was unscientific belief as per me. Quantum mechanics is different, one postulate and detail a Maxwell demon test! India had a long chain of Rishi who did not claim divine knowledge from relationship to any God, but fallible surmise from evidence. This happened in development of Veda, which became undeniable divinely revealed scriptures and imposed a 2000 year veil on India.

One can declare faith to be the tool of criminals and only accept extrapolation used by me to select plumber, doctor, friends and politicians. Every faith derived statement is bullshit derived! How does one feel dead? Extrapolate from pre birth and dreamless sleep! Amazing how many questions can be answered without questioning the sanity of the asker! That is what Rishi and Agnosticism is!

Second goal is money. What mother SS has spent on me so faris investment that has to be repaid! Is it possible for me to make money to thepoint that return is possible, even if torturous? Turns out on earth, only I know how to take square roots of 1000-2000 bit integers. I have developed a plan to make money from it! It can be used for hack-free communication of IoT objects upgraded by simple circuit to do multiplications mod integers.

Third and final wish is amortality – a nice long life withsmall diseased portions in the ends. I passed childhood with unknown but mother defined usual kid diseases. I have seen my father suffer, bad for celebrated disaster-in-chief of India, meritorious alumnus of University of Illinois and feted by UNO with recognition prize. What more can I do but make his last days better? Surely remove his pain and ten more years! If wishes were horses! But I believe that metformin, niagen, coQ10 and ECP extend life and improve old age! These would be expensive in US, but not in India! For one, physicians have not managed to restrict them. For another, they have nothing to say on how. All needed to get medical permission for father is tests on me. Neither have negative effects, except  metformin which may be taken by any diabetic.

Metformin operates not by releasing more insulin to kill excess sugar, but by restricting the sugar released. It is believed that excess insulin is BAD for you.

Your cells have 3 energy cycles, of which citric acid is uninteresting. Leaves ADP-ATP improved by coQ10 enzyme and nad+-nadh improved by flushing vitamin B3 or niagen.

ECP is giving the body another heart to improve blood flow in new arteries generated. ECP is vouched by flurry of chinese papers in top western journals (- the sales hype). Niagen has attracted rigorous japanese study, metformin US study. Only coQ10 has to fight customer reactions but is quietly prescribed! Problem is studies started 2016 and likely run 5 years. I need answers NOW.

Each of these 4 are low expense (low wage) country like India and may collectively be useful in improved energy feeling and 5-10 year extension in life. Worth it for father and certainly for mother and me.

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