Sunday, July 30, 2017

Aging, the aaquantum approach

The solution is NOT just follow the doctors (great acute, poor chronic), all they end up doing is delay death and replace the cause of death! It became heart disease and cancer last century. It will be Parkinson and Alzheimer this century. And mind you, the genetic causes will still lead to variations in life-span, just the valuable gene sets will change!

Aaquantum-I have read lot and believe I am ready with an integrated solution as trial balloon. Not only are ALL religious considered to be criminals, MOST anti-aging eminences are considered to be fools for not understanding the opening paragraph. Ultimately, the only thing that counts is empirical demonstration.

All my recommendations are speculative generalization extrapolations of established experiments to watch and support. It is very important to enlarge the case set of methods to introduce better atoms.
The method I seek is to move to a singularity in 2040’s to thousand year life, to extension using non-biological bodies. This extension is not relevant to first singularity – good luck to those who think otherwise.

The first singularity requires extension in age to between ninety and a hundred for me, doable with existing methods. The point is whether this range is likely and if the awaited singularity occurs.
Approach – Only five things are needed and can be and have been already incorporated or planned. These are niagen, coQ10, metformin, rapamycin and ECP. Beyond that is wittig-like reaction on niagen to make mitoq equivalent. No matter what my genes I think that religious attachment to exercise and blood-rotation will see me through with these. I have talked enough, documentation available on all others but blood-rotation, discussed briefly here, and great detail later. So the two points, beyond rapamycin,  are awaited-singularity and blood-rotation.

Blood-rotation: The experiment that drives this is effect ofsurgical joining of circulatory systems of two mice, one old and one young. The age symptoms of the old mouse disappeared. Scientists have already started to devise human tests in ethical manner (young ages!). What a gold-mine of tech fi stories I can write! The low cost development model does not benefit from centralization.

The rejuvenating effects are seen when lab mice are joined together in a rather gruesome procedure called parabiosis. That involves making cuts in the skin of two animals, then suturing them together at the site of the wound. As the cuts heal, the pair’s blood vessels will grow together and merge. The result is two animals that share a circulatory system, with both hearts pumping both sets of blood around both bodies. Doing this with an old mouse and a young mouse has some spectacular effects. As with humans, old mice have a harder time healing from injuries. But link an old mouse to a young one and it becomes able to repair muscle injuries nearly as well as its younger counterpart. Similar benefits are seen in liver cells and the nervous system. And it works in reverse, too: old blood can have a decrepifying effect on the young. 

Awaited-singularity: Some trees live 4000 years! Whathappens is that stem cells are placed in circulation by roots and reach theparts where cells divide. Not great accuracy is needed – if the division cellis poor, the stem cell progeny lives. It won’t work for humans because the pluripotent stem cell has already specialized. However, iPS cells can be specialized and injected in various organs. One consequence will be fight against cancer! There is hence a well-funded development trajectory.

para added in late aug 2017 - time to celebrate "I told you so!" Transfection is how tree-like life extension will go to defeat cancers.

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