Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Simplification and detailed study of Entropy-destroy paper

Never mind my deep claim to the centrality of this paper to physical immortality (as opposed to philosophical or literary, both avoiding how), it is first rate quantum mechanics from France and MIT-YALE. Let me see if I can condense the content top-down for Non-physicist audience.major:  Here is the paper. The consequences of the paper are realized to be major and deep skeptical analysis has begun. Exact details of construction of qubit and waste bath are included in the appendage to the paper, longer than the paper itself!

What the paper does is to construct a qubit in a cavity and pass a stream of photons through it which get separated by energy. In the process, entropy is generated passed to a waste bath of photons.

The system S is thus a transmon superconducting qubit 20 with energy difference "# = ×7.09 GHz between its ground |+ and excited |- states. It is embedded in a microwave cavity, the demon D, that resonates at ". = 7.91 GHz. The dispersive Hamiltonian reads 0 = "# - -|# + ".343 − 6343|-〉〈-|#, where 3 is the annihilation operator of a photon in the cavity.

The clever part of the paper is exact changes in the entropy waste system. If done in the classical way, the Landauer's principle applies and the energy spent in forgetting exceeds the energy extracted.


This 1960 paper laid to rest Maxwell's 2nd law defeating demon after 85 years!

Situation is different in QM. Superposition of low and high energy states are also possible (at same time). What happens if they are used to discard the entropy? Some will become high energy. But some will remain as before, the entropic energy is absorbed and goes away without change in state! Such particles can be used again! The entropy has indeed disappeared without trace!


The paper is very technical indeed and describes an experiment that can be performed. But what is the hurry? It is pointless to worry about measuring theexact details of anti-fragility before solving the problem of thousand yearlife! That is what aaqgs-religion is about!

I am a stoic. Perhaps the Un iverse never had a start! The contraction phase of previous edition crunched down to generate quantum high-low energies same time! Such particles will eat up all the entropy and the next edition would start again with big bang with low entropy, recreating editions till the final one had so much dark-energy that it expanded forever. Like us!

And the emakable joy of reaching this conclusion indepen of, and different reasoning, from the

Conformal cyclic cosmology model of the great  Roger Penrose but different in that current creation may be the last!

1 comment:

  1. Yes. The Universe never had a start and shall never have an end!
