Tuesday, March 21, 2017

What are universe can be, assuming religionist = stupid

Tech fi =physics as filter, most appropriate that can be

It does seem odd that the

multiverse keeps cropping up wherever we look. "It's proven remarkably hard to write down a theory which produces exactly the universe we see and nothing more," says physicist Max Tegmark.

Multiverse theories cannot be tested by looking for those other worlds

Even so, it is not clear that newspaper headlines will announce the discovery of another universe any time soon. Right now, these ideas lie on the border of physics and metaphysics.
In the absence of any evidence, then, here is a rough-and-ready – and frankly subjective – ranking of the probabilities of the various multiverses, the most likely first.

The patchwork multiverse is hard to avoid – if our Universe really is infinite and uniform.

The inflationary multiverse is rather likely if inflationary theory is true, and right now inflation is our best explanation for the Big Bang.

Cosmic natural selection is an ingenious idea but involves speculative physics, and there are a lot of unanswered questions.

Brane worlds are far more speculative, because they can only exist if all those extra dimensions do, and there is no direct evidence of that.

The quantum multiverse is arguably the simplest interpretation of quantum theory, but it is also vaguely defined and leads to an incoherent view of selfhood.

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