Wednesday, March 15, 2017

TOE candidate

TOE stands for Theory Of Everything. It must range over every thing, in particular over 3 ubertheory, an aaqgs neologism to name three theories, howsoever strange, of which NO exceptions are known, these being Quantum mechanics QM, general relativity GR and evolution in all natural domains. Collectively, together with stoicism and semantic border, they explain nature, living and understanding i.e. aaqgs. Unification of QM and GR has been fruitlessly pursued for hundred years, string theory arose but is discard able as non-science. QFT or Quantum Field Theory exists and applies without exception but still not enough. So what is QFT? Can a non physicist gasp its meat?

In physics, a gauge theory is a type of field theory in which the Lagrangian is invariant under a continuous group of local transformations.

QFT says there is no such thing as particle. Entire universe is covered by a field. Various particles are energy packets such that on contact the waves do not mix but are elastically scattered. All physics theories are gauge symmetries, SU(1) being normal electricity to SU(3) being quantum electrodynamics. QM and GR are hyper small and hyper-large and do not mix except on black holes.

The standard model and QFT is enough to explain LHC results. No new physics has been found.
Within Tech Fi, I can imagine Faster-than-light or FTL information but not material transfer; and no reasonable sci fi can reverse this! This is because there are strong theorems that limit the velocity of ANY particle below light. However, quantum entanglement has been measured to at least 1000 times faster than light. This hope is also ignited by transference of entanglement and bomb-tester and Zeno results! Strange place to meet the Stoicism founder!

Warning – I do not believe because I do not believe in consciousness as essential element, the moon exists even when not being watched!

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