Monday, March 13, 2017

Chemistry and Physics of Disease

Dr Doherty said medical researchers could use the device (diamond tip molecular beam at nanoscale) to weigh and identify complex molecules such as proteins, which drive diseases, such as cancer, and cures for those diseases.

"Every great advance for microscopy has driven scientific revolution," he said.
"Our invention will help to solve many complex problems in a wide range of areas, including medical, environmental and biosecurity research."
Molecular MRI is a form of the common medical imaging technology that is capable of identifying the chemical composition of individual molecules, while mass spectrometers measure the masses within a sample.
Current work is like quantum basis for sonic screwdriver in Dr. Who or tri-corder in star trek. Generally beyond, when possible at all, the limited irrational thinking of humanities writers, say I. For way better than sci fi is my tech fi. You don't imagine potentially impossible theory driven artifacts, but possible artifacts economically possible in current known or likely known science.

THE paper

Relevance  to  medicine

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