Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Multiple Entanglement

It is central to QM and really a fundamental new resource that will revolutionize the world as much as Industrial revolution, if not more. What is it, beyond the classical revolutionary that Einstein was, who unified distance and time and added the idea of relativity to human culture beyond physics. Does entanglement have a similar role, outside QM. In social sciences, moral sciences, arts and religion? I believe so, so what the heck is entanglement?

In QM, regardless of separation, two entangled particles share a common state, which means what happens to one instantaneously happens to the other. They may be quite distinct, an electron and photon, the image from star trek replication is wrong, the particles that entangle are rarely the same, in fact if the same then that kind of entanglement is different! Even more mind bending is multiple entanglement with say 3 particles sharing state. The world record till last month stood at 3000. Not any more. They have managed to entangle millions of atoms.


At this rate, solids oc size visible to naked idea, os only entangled particlles are not far away, You could then bnreak the solid into two parts (some entanglement is very robust), send one to moon, disturb 1 and see the reflection on moon part at once! Is FTL (Faster than Light) coming through multiple entanglement?

It is hoped this will answer Einstein's main objection to teleportation, the possibility that a signal passes between entangled particles at the speed of light.


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