Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Democracy in politics

Politics is a math field, say I, the successor of most illiberal is the most democratic. If you read the founding of USA, the biggest discussion in aristocratic era was between federalists(Hamilton, Madison,...) and republicans (Jefferson,...). It is between majoritarian democracy (Jefferson,...) and anti-democratic constitutional control. Switzerland is MORE democratic than USA but LESS free, they took the lead in expulsion and bigoted rules on Muslims! It is strange that US liberals now find virtues in Hamilton, the most pro-wall-street (starter) and Gold-bug ever, glorified by Nazi and Fascist! Hence my saying. P:et Km-siater wail and make evil ugly accusations re fraud!

Or this quote from Madison - Pure democracy, by which I mean a society consisting of a small number of citizens, who assemble and administer the government in person, can admit no cure for the mischief of faction. A common passion or interest will be felt by a majority of the whole, and there is nothing to check the inducements to sacrifice the weaker party or an obnoxious individual. Hence it is that democracies have ever . . . been found incompatible with personal security or the rights of property; and have, in general, been as short in their lives as they have been violent in their deaths.

Trump lost straight count but won electoral college. So did Bush jr. Happened half dozen times. Changing constitution requires 2/3 majority and is involved process. Indian SC derailed IG by inventing Fundamental Structure of constitution. Judge gates risked his life and refused the onslaught of popular revolution in Fiji against Indians in 2000, followed this brave man who refused to play dead even against a revolution! Result – Fiji thrives in 2017, despite liberal stupidities of Australia and New Zealand!

Modi is not liberal, but his opponents, open incompetence, scare me. I can not imagine A MAN DEVOTED TO CONSTITUTION to be unfree. Perhaps Sir Trump needs to learn and not criticize the Judiciary. There ALWAYS are clever work arounds.
New polls – Current UP votes WERE miscounted by exit polls. Trump, Brexit,... What goes? Allan Lichtman, a professor of history at American University, has predicted every election result since 1984 (except in 2000, when the Electoral College decided that both the popular vote and the professor should be ignored). His calculus pays no attention to polls or approval ratings; instead, it looks at the incumbent administration and asks a few very basic questions. Has there been major social unrest? Have there been disastrous foreign interventions? Has economic growth been higher or lower than in the last two administrations? If the incumbent party manages the slow decline of capitalism efficiently, they’ll win again. If not, someone else will. And in September 2016, he totted up all his columns and announced that Donald Trump would win. He didn’t quite believe it himself; in an interview with the Washington Post he was full of caveats and reservations. “We’ve never had a candidate before who not just once, but twice in a thinly disguised way, has incited violence against his opponents. We’ve never had a candidate before who has embraced as a role model a murderous, hostile foreign dictator.” In the end, it didn’t matter. Makes sense at lastt. Lets call this aaqgc-poll. Try it re end of year re Gujerat!
Mischievous Anti-Trump link

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