Thursday, March 23, 2017

Unity in Diversity or E Pluribus Unum

Is the national symbol of my nation and should be of earth, Easy to say, very hard to see how, I can and talk about it given that Shor-capable quantum-computers are still sci fi and likely to become no-go once entropy-information unification is complete and a second law of thermodynamics type no-go is formulated. In any case, post-quantum cryptography is ready and can be used against my belief in impossibility of polynomial factorization.

The idea revolves around aaqgs-aadhar which is likely practical as aadhar has been around without abuse for 5 years, aaqgs-aadhar provably does not weaken it and provably prevents abuse in the hands of business by maintenance of strict privacy and correlations between transactions of an identity. This is achieved by a new uncorrelated still-1-1-to-aadhar identity per transaction! Aaqgs-aadhar permits nested citizenship, down-to district level sub-nations, each offering regionalism, not nationalism and Unity in Diversity. Federal powers will be greatly diluted and two candidate constituencies will simplify elections and likely kill the demon of current-style-regionalism, -ve vote will destroy the extreme wings, fractional vote will help the voter, straight FPGL prevent fractured mandate etc. Clearly, I consider my self free-speech constitutional democracy conservative; 
conservative enough to believe in small government; largely playing the rolr of umpire and joint ecological action. 

Only constitution can prevent long-term shifts in evil directions. I can imagine the strong feelings against me in many southern states in last part of 19th century; against women in 1950's in USA, India today, my using constitution shield against my-called radical feminism; or my strong feelings against homosexuality today; but I let the citizens of tomorrow make their constitutional decision; I am happy to be called bigoted then. Why? Stoicism! As Aurelius “ For all things fade away, become the stuff of legend, and are soon buried in oblivion. Mind you, this is true only for those who blazed once like bright stars in the firmament, but for the rest, as soon as a few clods of earth cover their corpses, they are ‘out of sight, out of mind.’ ”. Lack of Trust in goals of my multi-generational research does not sadden me, the flag will be carried by some one else, and so on! Meanwhile, I benefit.

Strange place, perhaps, but relevant here are concepts of Aaqgs-line-marriages (sci fi = moon is a harsh mistress) and Y-chromosome inheritance. Aaqgs-marriage could be adelphic polyamory. Human DNA is XX for females and XY for male. A child inherits one from each parent. Given a mix of chains, only Y maintains identity. It is known that Y is strictly decreasing per generation, eventually boy babies will become rare! A male-driven line marriage is one that lives for ever because the male bothers keep marrying until a male is produced, who continues the line. Eldest survivor and reincorporation rules eliminates ambiguities. A Y-chromosome then has probabilistic infinite life. Note that only Y-chromosome survives distinct by copies.

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