Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Unified and new toys

A grownup toy is functional to its user. A toy for non-user becomes functional with unification! Consider a phone which evolved into current mobile phones that unify camera, security, communication, internet, video-games and video-watching. It is no longer a toy for many more communities.

A high capacity pen drive not only eliminate floppy, but CD and DVD!

A mobile phone unifies Walkman, rotary dial, typewriter, camera, CAMCORDER, video-players, clunky PC, pagers, slides, polaroid, answering machine, ticker machines, betamax,videotape. It also eliminates video-protocols,CD,DVD,email, multi-media, not even there then. Backward moving lawyers representing dying industries were strongly prevented by courts. The new attacks on Copying will become pointless as my encryption with traitor-tracing spreads.

I will have the ultimate revenge on USPTO as my product infallible trade-marking spreads, on products, hack-free internet of things, bank notes etc. The TM section is improper infested.Will the last employee turn out the lights!

How can you build trade-marks independent of lawyer s, courts and secret service (USA -style)?

Suppose you have to-check product number n of 2000 bits. Now let the certificate be unknown discrete power p, say r. Only thing visible are n and r. The task of finding p, given even trillion pairs of n and r is undo able faster than enumeration! All need are discrete-power units which cannot be removed from the essential check unit without losing the power memory! This is simple workaround of theft. Further, the unit may carry a GPS number and remove the exponent and refuse to work elsewhere, erasing will-work GPS if different! This scheme works for products, banknotes and checked paper certificates, just assign a different n per product related to physical marks!

Old toys for grown-ups

What the heck are these, asked the kid, am big brother to. You are lucky junior, at least I can relate to some, even though you do not have to relate to, even in India. When I was young, the gap between rich in India and west was 5 years, rural 10-20 yrs. Now it is 5 rural and 1 rich.

Commies have a flying start – backward. Many leftists have started talking 2024 elections, not 2019! The incompetence mania has started to descend, hindutva is no longer political pseudo-BS but genuine wishes of some people. Oh well! Let me relate to most.

Saharabudhe went to Canada and brought back the wonder of floppy. I designed and still have the secret to eye-print good bio metric id-like using it for internet-of-things. The are like pen drives of today – kilobytes not gigabytes.

A Sony Walkman (now mobiles) was essential in walk or run.
The rotary dial let you type the phone number.
A typewriter typed on paper, for mail and forms and contracts!
A camera was a standalone device like the one in phone.

When I returned from slogging in my dpt., I played adventure, the grand daddy of all video-games, on Atari, on game boy, on Nintendo DS or watched as movie on videotape in a beta max. There were no DVD. Offices had clunky PC using floppy disks.

I put my thesis on overheads or slide projectors. There was no videopages or presentations.
There were no radio-internet, only walkies-talkie or pagers.

Instant photo were made by Polaroid.
Phone must have answering machines to escape adster sellers. Made video from camcorders.
Business people sat glued to ticker machines. No email, pictures and true copies were faxed.
Even I know not what bbc micro is.

There was no internet hence googloe or facebook. microsoft and apple were babies, IBM and AT&T ruled the world. Seven sisters barely existed.

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Multiple Entanglement

It is central to QM and really a fundamental new resource that will revolutionize the world as much as Industrial revolution, if not more. What is it, beyond the classical revolutionary that Einstein was, who unified distance and time and added the idea of relativity to human culture beyond physics. Does entanglement have a similar role, outside QM. In social sciences, moral sciences, arts and religion? I believe so, so what the heck is entanglement?

In QM, regardless of separation, two entangled particles share a common state, which means what happens to one instantaneously happens to the other. They may be quite distinct, an electron and photon, the image from star trek replication is wrong, the particles that entangle are rarely the same, in fact if the same then that kind of entanglement is different! Even more mind bending is multiple entanglement with say 3 particles sharing state. The world record till last month stood at 3000. Not any more. They have managed to entangle millions of atoms.

At this rate, solids oc size visible to naked idea, os only entangled particlles are not far away, You could then bnreak the solid into two parts (some entanglement is very robust), send one to moon, disturb 1 and see the reflection on moon part at once! Is FTL (Faster than Light) coming through multiple entanglement?

It is hoped this will answer Einstein's main objection to teleportation, the possibility that a signal passes between entangled particles at the speed of light.

Beyond fiction

Beyond excellent imaginative fiction as Ramayana and Mahabharata, or todays sci fi since Jules Verne, is it possible to speak about non-existent things  but those the imagination is provably more believable than fiction?There are some imaginations that sound fiction but are not, multi-verse for example. There is a very simple reason for its bigness, no one has been able to construct any model of the cosmology that does not produce consistent solutions valid in other universes!

1. There is another reason which is sensible-faith like mine, lot-better than my colleagues! In  sensible-faith, every thing is open to questioning, empirical things are carefully (allow for prestidigitation magicians) accepted due to senses, and all others are consequences of sane extrapolation, however strange. Sane extrapolation properties will be discussed, right now one can not extrapolate conflicting with no-go theorems. For example, I believe in very normal quantum mechanics absent spookiness and non-locality of entanglement. That is how I sidestep Von neumann no-go theorem! The resulting BB interpretation of QM puts me in minority but so what – the idea of wave-function collapse (implies moon exists only when some one looks at it) or many-worlds is (new copy of entire universe per quantum event)  considered far spookier!

My belief in immortality follows from absence of any no-go theorems that block except the mathematical certainty of eventual destruction of any non-growing system against which I can counter-posit limited finite strength of real stressors and plenty of death-less infinite time to do anti-fragility a la Taleb! My 200 years life gives you immortality through migration to electronics Guess who thinks like me – Elon Musk!

or Guardian

or me

Other efforts

After disrupting the way we love, communicate, travel, work, and even eat, technologists believe they can solve the ultimate problem. Perennially youthful Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg and his wife Priscilla Chan announced last year a $3 billion initiative to obliterate human disease. Among his many crusades, Paypal co-founder and Trump advisor Peter Thiel aims to end mortality. (“Basically, I’m against it,” he has said.) Alphabet has a whole company devoted to curing this most intractable of inconveniences.

Silicon Valley Would Rather Cure Death Than Make Life Worth Living

Take home points -

1. Faith is stupid, always in/thru some lazy tome-trotting religious thug in robes! Sensible belief in non-empirical narratives is based on extrapolation, ALWAYS missing in religious thugs!

2. Many fiction-writers, political sleight-of-hand, impossible leaders etc unknowingly fall to no-go theorems like 2nd-law, quantum-mechanics, general relativity, quantum no-go etc. It is the best technique to mother-fuck lawyers and politicians. Just keep a stupid demeanor, rather easy this brown American!

Sunday, March 26, 2017

A Vital legal-political distinction

History will be kind to me, for I intend to write it.Winston Churchill
Even better is the journalist will be essentially limey!

    Today I discovered wikispook, greatly admire them, have learned a lot, must incorporate wikileaks and snowden revelations, have considered essential distinction-wiki ways, do not consider their marvelous effort so far to be the final word and view the relation between wiki and wikispook to be like a project-fork and consider what will be required for a project-join. Never mind the motivations, the narrative in Wikipedia is (claim) being legally abused within the honest careful definitions by current Wikipedia team by big advertisers, polemicist and powers that be. It is needed that the identifiers of current abuses not be taken as final word either and a useful general scheme be considered for future-forks.
One way to unify, while permitting wide changes is to draw lesson from my aaqgs-lan and consider every text to be a pair – the content and the fork-set in which the text holds! At any point in perusal, all the possibilities present are considered, if only one corresponds to the belief system of the consumer, then that is followed, if none then so informed and labels of those present, while if many then click-choice presented. It immediately satisfies my complaint thst outside physical sciences, it is rare to find truth-agreement, encyclopedic-the-truth approach fails, communitarian truth makes sense, and democratic way can be constructed both to allow all truths as well perusals of convenient truths interspersed with random inconvenient truths placing a limit on such arguments. Given a population, and consumer-oriented random, inconvenient truths will statistically ignite s portion od population without snowing any one!

It is part of the capabilities of a lawyer to weigh the semantics of all words, be they explantion or explanotry expansion. In each case, the questions of semantics of who and satisfactory deistinction from congusing similar words is done. While normal people can eventually get at the answer, experience enables the answer t be produced at once. Trick is to avoid into unrequired exp-ansions, by requiring the lawyer to state the need and counter-questions which may be asked by limited-intelligence (all lawyers THINK they are smart, so have many whites to less-gifted me) which gives you time to think! Judges don't like thinkers but semi-stupid brown is tolerated. Don't forget to lace your dialog with praise of the enemy!

There is in today, an unholy unscrupulous nexus of liberals-lawyers-politicians-journalist that color information to their taste and provoke a backlash being slowly felt where they are no longer listened to and lied by general population. I interpret the steady worldwide gain of rightists in this way. People are SICK of lying politically-correct unscrupulous by-action leftists. Whta makes me very happy is that the rightists they love are increasingly visible as equally unscrupulous in social and religious matters; exactly like the rulers they rebelled against and thought they had finally overcome! This confusion is the precise god-send opportunity for aaqgs-me – socially left wing and politically right wing, only difference is the consistency and uniform sensible aaqgs-philosophy naturally left+right wing, away from right-wing hysteria but still accepting the failure of the communist-socialist model in economics. That rejection is required rejection of unionism to right-to-work, propaganda with right-to-reply etc. It is certain to make advertisers on right wince – the right-wing truth-monopoly will be sunk by right-of-reply link dedicated tax. NO ONE will be able to use any public communication media without inserting link to the unholy – perhaps expectation-of-support sorted list of links. I am strongly reminded of the famous caricature of the right wing in movie “Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb which had a short disclaimer by the air force at the beginning or lots of legally mandated disclaimers in colleague mails – they will all allowed to be links in the internet to whatever length text considered appropriate by Sir Lawyer and links to whatever additional statements you have and links to critics;; all to aaqgs-append-limited texts
People should allow uncensored movies. The companies that use ANY of these productions must be skewered for ever for being pornographic in the eyes of thelinker. Likely powerful if democrat pornographic, not so if only church of Massachusetts!
aaqgs-append-limited texts on the internet is MY proposal, together with aaqgs-encryption-author to annihilate the complete caste of virus-inserting criminals that naturally extends to mal-writers in unscrupulous nexus of liberals-lawyers-politicians-journalist to be replaced by roles of aaqgs-heaven citizens.

The wikispooks link was unearthed investigating the role of Brit Sasoon, the biggest dope pusher of them all, the Bombay based opium-sheikh who abused the British might in benefiting from British-opium-subjugation and horrible-exploitation of china-population.

It is fascinating why this subanimal is not maligned and how press operates in internet world and what must be done to protect citizen narratives.

Saturday, March 25, 2017

The lovely movie “passengers”

This lovely sci fi movie is set in a spaceship full of hibernating passengers on a 100 year travel, but three passengers wakeup in ten years accidently, and the ship has no way to hibernate again! Any more will disclose the plot, but allow me to call the movie one of the best sci fi, in line with 2001: A space Odessy and Star wars, first – expands your mind, you have no idea how the plot will go even though the steps are logical and relevant, following likely accidental events.
Good fiction raises new issues not properly addressed. 2001 raised the issue of human versus AI. Star wars developed into democratic methods of establishing an empire like Hitler. Passengers is about think of re-hibernation, a technology that will defeat the movie, although then the movie will be on ship fault and re-hibernation fail at once.
She woke up 90 years too soon and she was not alone. #PassengersMovie, now available on Digital and Blu-ray.

Ironically, Passengers is at its most evocative when capturing a state of utter tedium. The Atlantic
Neither the rapport between Jennifer Lawrence and Chris Pratt nor the impressive effects can quite redeem this shallow sci-fi. Full revie
The Guardian

Pratt and Lawrence are wonderful and share decent chemistry, and Sheen adds wit, but, there's no mistaking the disturbing nature of this movie's premise. Full review
Common Sense Media

Good – meta-critic, very good IMDB. Belowaverage Rotten-tomatoes
Very Good – ME

Thursday, March 23, 2017


Best wishes from Aroon Aryan, may my research bear fruit and this happy day come 200 years and find you as you are today

Live long and prosper

Moving to Singularity

new medicine

Living history

Enjoy yourself

Disclaimer: The information on this page and in the book, and the references cited are for information purposes only, and are not intended to treat, diagnose or prescribe for any illness or condition. For your specific diagnosis and treatment, consult with your doctor or health care provider. Only a Legally recognized Doctor can take responsibility!

Unity in Diversity or E Pluribus Unum

Is the national symbol of my nation and should be of earth, Easy to say, very hard to see how, I can and talk about it given that Shor-capable quantum-computers are still sci fi and likely to become no-go once entropy-information unification is complete and a second law of thermodynamics type no-go is formulated. In any case, post-quantum cryptography is ready and can be used against my belief in impossibility of polynomial factorization.

The idea revolves around aaqgs-aadhar which is likely practical as aadhar has been around without abuse for 5 years, aaqgs-aadhar provably does not weaken it and provably prevents abuse in the hands of business by maintenance of strict privacy and correlations between transactions of an identity. This is achieved by a new uncorrelated still-1-1-to-aadhar identity per transaction! Aaqgs-aadhar permits nested citizenship, down-to district level sub-nations, each offering regionalism, not nationalism and Unity in Diversity. Federal powers will be greatly diluted and two candidate constituencies will simplify elections and likely kill the demon of current-style-regionalism, -ve vote will destroy the extreme wings, fractional vote will help the voter, straight FPGL prevent fractured mandate etc. Clearly, I consider my self free-speech constitutional democracy conservative; 
conservative enough to believe in small government; largely playing the rolr of umpire and joint ecological action. 

Only constitution can prevent long-term shifts in evil directions. I can imagine the strong feelings against me in many southern states in last part of 19th century; against women in 1950's in USA, India today, my using constitution shield against my-called radical feminism; or my strong feelings against homosexuality today; but I let the citizens of tomorrow make their constitutional decision; I am happy to be called bigoted then. Why? Stoicism! As Aurelius “ For all things fade away, become the stuff of legend, and are soon buried in oblivion. Mind you, this is true only for those who blazed once like bright stars in the firmament, but for the rest, as soon as a few clods of earth cover their corpses, they are ‘out of sight, out of mind.’ ”. Lack of Trust in goals of my multi-generational research does not sadden me, the flag will be carried by some one else, and so on! Meanwhile, I benefit.

Strange place, perhaps, but relevant here are concepts of Aaqgs-line-marriages (sci fi = moon is a harsh mistress) and Y-chromosome inheritance. Aaqgs-marriage could be adelphic polyamory. Human DNA is XX for females and XY for male. A child inherits one from each parent. Given a mix of chains, only Y maintains identity. It is known that Y is strictly decreasing per generation, eventually boy babies will become rare! A male-driven line marriage is one that lives for ever because the male bothers keep marrying until a male is produced, who continues the line. Eldest survivor and reincorporation rules eliminates ambiguities. A Y-chromosome then has probabilistic infinite life. Note that only Y-chromosome survives distinct by copies.

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

What are universe can be, assuming religionist = stupid

Tech fi =physics as filter, most appropriate that can be

It does seem odd that the

multiverse keeps cropping up wherever we look. "It's proven remarkably hard to write down a theory which produces exactly the universe we see and nothing more," says physicist Max Tegmark.

Multiverse theories cannot be tested by looking for those other worlds

Even so, it is not clear that newspaper headlines will announce the discovery of another universe any time soon. Right now, these ideas lie on the border of physics and metaphysics.
In the absence of any evidence, then, here is a rough-and-ready – and frankly subjective – ranking of the probabilities of the various multiverses, the most likely first.

The patchwork multiverse is hard to avoid – if our Universe really is infinite and uniform.

The inflationary multiverse is rather likely if inflationary theory is true, and right now inflation is our best explanation for the Big Bang.

Cosmic natural selection is an ingenious idea but involves speculative physics, and there are a lot of unanswered questions.

Brane worlds are far more speculative, because they can only exist if all those extra dimensions do, and there is no direct evidence of that.

The quantum multiverse is arguably the simplest interpretation of quantum theory, but it is also vaguely defined and leads to an incoherent view of selfhood.

Monday, March 20, 2017

Reasoned prediction RP

I have great love for and belief in application of scientific method outside physical sciences, in other words define the scientific method with objective definition (ie applicable by all, not just me). Rational skepticism is current best but I have borderline problems, two biggest being absurd applications in social sciences (will remain despite epicycles added!) and lack of statistical communitarian nature of truth (is abortion evil or not and when?).

One way to broaden rational skepticism is rational Stoicism which improves by admitting  statistical communitarian nature of truth that has to be accepted for social life. One can not pragmatically, even logically play the doubter always and refuse to accept any thing, such morons lead very troubled lives. I know because I went through that phase. The answer is in clever synthesis of the contradictions. I have found that almost all thesis are true in domination contexts where most other thesis fail. Clever synthesis is construction of context functions that reduce the other thesis discard able small in dominance intervals. For example, given choice between who is better CM, A or B, one can synthesize as 2.5 years A and 2.5 years B. If A and B are parties, the temporal ratio may depend on strength. With multi-Representative seats, as in aaqgs-democracy, coalition building is expected. I expect India to be in developed country domain in my life, plagued by centrifugal local strengths and consider  multi-Representative aaqgs-democracy essential then, to encourage nation-local coalition building. Given my dream of massive devolution, SARRC unity and very strong bio-identity based local citizenship, competition based unity is possible through aaqgs-aadhaar.

Reasoned prediction RP, not RS, is my new scientific method. Predictions can be empirical and statistical, but not yet science. An objective  reasoning process must also be given. It removes all kinds of spurious correlations present in naive science. British babies over 50 years tracked stork population in Norway! So what? Sir moron has predicted US president since 1980! So what? Its simple NP-completeness, -ve statements are easy to disprove, impossible to prove unless there is a mathematical proof.

Which brings me to biggest defeat in my life. At some point in 1985, was held a CS conference in Las Cruses, NM. Opposite sides were Dr. Dijkstra, greatest CS ever (goto
considered harmful) and me. Testing can show absence of simple bugs only, only a proof can certify, the RS (skeptic) position. Absent testing, even simple bugs only can hurt consumer, trusting program proof is and will be stupid long, the RS (stoic) position. My head was livid on arguing with his God. He went to Las Vegas, essentially blocking tenure, I to Massachusetts, never have talked since.

Predicting and Changing Behavior: The Reasoned Action Approach

Sunday, March 19, 2017


Why does a happy agnostic so far, need agnostic religion?

  1. Expand the limits of comprehension and argumentation
  2. Determine gaps in comprehension to make amends when possible
  3. Comprehend more my comprehension system
  4. Consider and evaluate ways of cheating death
    There are some constraints from my past thinking
    Science is good, social sciences stupid, humanities entertainment with NO governance impact, only needed to apploy existing rules and stand aside on need disappearence! NO one can teach you, you must empirically view rersults of processes an decide how to challenge temporal realities. I can certainly adcise on what will not work – faith, God, experience, books, irrational techniques. There are NO known empirical techniques and rare sensible extrapolations. Even sane post-death logic is hard, but you must not bow to will-free social norms!
    1. “default-OK = innocent unless proven guilty” and “default-thug = guilty unless proven innocent” are NOT definite choices but depend on the context. In general, current coreligionist gurus are considered default-thug requiring this kind of starting-defense. ALL great questions like abortion, social-laws, family-laws, religion, assisted-death etc are community based and not UNIFORM, only needing uniformity on conflict of rights. Indian constitution guarantees equality before law, but does not mandate equal;ity of sexes which can be interpreted in function equality, easily shown absurd). Thus triple divorce is unconstitutional, polygamy or polyandry is not.
    2. Right-to-reply and address-public-encryption is sufficient to permit free-speech in all contexts without requiring a court! A court and lawyers is a horrible sign of disharmony and stupidity! A system requiring these is fundamentally screwed up! The biggest reason for US and GB gains are directly caused by lack of legislation – it is fundamental to my aaqgs-think that maladies be cured by invention of uniformly available rights and government or courts step in to uniformly resolve conflicts and administration of laws. It is not a matter of faith considered ALWAYS to be the refuge of the scoundrel, but extrapolation. I have obtained novel solutions, applicable in century-21 to the problems of free speech (encryption), self-defense (activators) and democracy (none-of-above, fractional vote, right-to-recall, negative-vote, confidence&privacy which applies to voting, companies and committees!
    3. Right to defend is intrinsic to individual, group battle against groups, individual to oppression.
    4. Money is the medium of exchange. Private property rights flow from terrible mess in shared commons. Certain compromises have to be made, enforced through blind laws. Private property is based on compromise, not religions, hence must have a limit on the differences, the so-called margin-of-safety related to the average development of society and not independent of work-incentives – even marginal work needs to be respected. I strongly request the authorities to pay unemployment to garbage pickers and sorters at the very least; with incentive based payments.

  1. Disclaimer – I strongly reject any attempt to relate me to God; aqnd look-down on such believers. They are often BETTER humans than me, I have NEVER encountered one with my broad range of interests and dependencies. It is the latter – abilities to uniformly extend narrow specialized betterment; typical of IAS in india; that gives me hopes of superior quality thinking and my excursions into law and philosophy that gives me the confidence of taking on professional lawyers and politicians. Modi and Yogi are outside, since I do not know what enables them to function well for decades with only 4 hour of sleep!

Friday, March 17, 2017

Things that fly

Even though US citizen PIO, don't think can go back, thinking of starting business+ here, looked at these ideas, one above. Cheapest fly board is $15,000, likely provide 6 min flight end of year; requires no training; can be used to provide joyrides on a ticket. Even the ticket falls in medium class family budget at R60 to dollar. Worthy novelty once in life. Requires no skills, needed by ALL others.

Some recent ideas, considering india and my lack of business experience
  1. ECP – difference can quit after 1 week unless consumer can see benefits
  2. Glutathione skin whitening pre marriage by IV route – difference money-back if pre-treatment photo and post-treatment photo, unless visible improvement
  3. Fly board
  4. Must-pay software tied to cpu-number of device - money back on workaround
  5. Can't-hack softwares - money back if hacked
  6. 3D print-cafe
  7. 48V dc devices shop, goal 1 ton solar a.c. From R65000 to Rs 45000 for 60% electric bill cost saving. ~= 8000 per year - money + device back if lesser savings.

Aaqgs-democracy = stake-holder democracy

Stakeholder Definition

Too many existing subhumans believe in definite unique answers to great questions - birth-related abortion issues, living related what-religion issues, and death-related assisted-dearth issues. None of these great questions have definite answers, the right answer ALWAYS is stakeholder democracy prescription, that has regional and cultural divide. Aaqgs-encryption can provide the essential separation that makes it possible. Then the unique answer-er motherfuckers can be exiled from heaven and return of these sub animals can be prevented! Unless tolerance can be required and non-tolerant can be prevented from reinfection, toleration of every one is logically impossible! Toleration means intolerant ion of the intolerant! Those who are not willing to tolerate my views have no possibility of co-existence with me.

Fundamental to intolerance is the belief that no one else can have empirically testable difference of opinion. I apply to myself first. I believe in science, modern medicine and aaqgs-religion. None is by inheritance. Science means scientific method and application outside physical sciences. That leads to RP and why normal statistical error logic is wrong, while historical Bayesian logic is superior. Much harder than “what to believe” is “what not to believe”. Interestingly, “agree to disagree” does not mean quin sense, but difference in arguments. Only in the end does tolerance matter. So my religion is aaqgs, because I must know the nature that surrounds me, joyous existence, handling the aversions, semantic borderline complications like moot court resolution 

My views on modern medicine is healthy disbelief in outside the specialty and great belief in no-drug treatments like plants and exercise. It amazes me that a sickly man like myself can rationally dream of 200 year amortal life!

Which brings us to stake-holder democracy. While experiencing of plans in Delhi and Peking may make arguments, neither city has any relevance in new-york-city voting. Semantically we capture it in standing. Clearly a justifiable issue in border cases. Stake-holder democracy is a crucial concept in infinitely sub-dividable vote with multiple voting and right to recall. Computer is required and interval arithmetic redundant modes are needed for confidence and reliability. While plain aadhaar is still opposed,aa-aadhaar can be used for unabusable biological identity

Roughly, a person has a new-identity for every new transaction and only permitted correlations can exist between identities. Arbitrary admitted correlations are possible, that is why aa-aadhaar is very powerful concept.

There are very large number of voting and vote counting methods, and there exist many impossibility theorems that show that many desirable properties can not bne combined. I call them Impossibility-theorems. These are not new, thermodynamics delegates many processes to impossibility as it violates the second law. Entropy is a concept easily generalized to quantum mechanics using the concept of information. Every physical process preserves or increases information. Only time it fails is at creation time. So Impossibility-theorems exist. Faster-than-light speeds arte only possible with information transfer through entanglement!

Roughly then, Aaqgs-democracy = stake-holder democracy, and ALL known impossibility theorems like Arrow's are sidestepped, and the goal of sub-divisibility, gerrymandering, multiple votes and much-candidacy are retained.

Democracy Program

Aaqgs-democracy = stake-holder democracy

Too many existing subhumans believe in definite unique answers to great questions -birth-related abortion issues, living related what-religion issues, and death-related assisted-dearth issues. None of these great questions have definite answers, the right answer ALWAYS is stakeholder democracy prescription, that has regional and cultural divide. Aaqgs-encryption can provide the essential separation that makes it possible. Then the unique answer-er motherfuckers can be exiled from heaven and return of these sub animals can be prevented! Unless tolerance can be required and non-tolerant can be prevented from reinfection, toleration of every one is logically impossible! Toleration means intolerant ion of the intolerant! Those who are not willing to tolerate my views have no possibility of co-existence with me.

Fundamental to intolerance is the belief that no one else can have empirically testable difference of opinion. I apply to myself first. I believe in science, modern medicine and aaqgs-religion. None is by inheritance. Science means scientific method and application outside physical sciences. That leads to RP and why normal statistical error logic is wrong, while historical Bayesian logic is superior. Much harder than “what to believe” is “what not to believe”. Interestingly, “agree to disagree” does not mean quin sense, but difference in arguments. Only in the end does tolerance matter. So my religion is aaqgs, because I must know the nature that surrounds me, joyous existence, handling the aversions, semantic borderline complications like moot court resolution My views on modern medicine is healthy disbelief in outside the specialty and great belief in no-drug treatments like plants and exercise. It amazes me that a sickly man like myself can rationally dream of 200 year amortal life!

Which brings us to stake-holder democracy. While experiencing of plans in Delhi and Peking may make arguments, neither city has any relevance in new-york-city voting. Semantically we capture it in standing. Clearly a justifiable issue in border cases. Stake-holder democracy is a crucial concept in infinitely sub-dividable vote with multiple voting and right to recall. Computer is required and interval arithmetic redundant modes are needed for confidence and reliability. While plain aadhaar is still opposed,aa-aadhaar can be used for unabusable biological identity. 

Roughly, a person has a new-identity for every new transaction and only permitted correlations can exist between identities. Arbitrary admitted correlations are possible, that is why aa-aadhaar is very powerful concept.

There are very large number of voting and vote counting methods, and there exist many impossibility theorems that show that many desirable properties can not bne combined. I call them Impossibility-theorems. These are not new, thermodynamics delegates many processes to impossibility as it violates the second law. Entropy is a concept easily generalized to quantum mechanics using the concept of information. Every physical process preserves or increases information. Only time it fails is at creation time. So Impossibility-theorems exist. Faster-than-light speeds arte only possible with information transfer through entanglement!

Roughly then, Aaqgs-democracy = stake-holder democracy, and ALL known impossibility theorems like Arrow's are sidestepped, and the goal of sub-divisibility, gerrymandering, multiple votes and much-candidacy are retained.

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

TOE candidate

TOE stands for Theory Of Everything. It must range over every thing, in particular over 3 ubertheory, an aaqgs neologism to name three theories, howsoever strange, of which NO exceptions are known, these being Quantum mechanics QM, general relativity GR and evolution in all natural domains. Collectively, together with stoicism and semantic border, they explain nature, living and understanding i.e. aaqgs. Unification of QM and GR has been fruitlessly pursued for hundred years, string theory arose but is discard able as non-science. QFT or Quantum Field Theory exists and applies without exception but still not enough. So what is QFT? Can a non physicist gasp its meat?

In physics, a gauge theory is a type of field theory in which the Lagrangian is invariant under a continuous group of local transformations.

QFT says there is no such thing as particle. Entire universe is covered by a field. Various particles are energy packets such that on contact the waves do not mix but are elastically scattered. All physics theories are gauge symmetries, SU(1) being normal electricity to SU(3) being quantum electrodynamics. QM and GR are hyper small and hyper-large and do not mix except on black holes.

The standard model and QFT is enough to explain LHC results. No new physics has been found.
Within Tech Fi, I can imagine Faster-than-light or FTL information but not material transfer; and no reasonable sci fi can reverse this! This is because there are strong theorems that limit the velocity of ANY particle below light. However, quantum entanglement has been measured to at least 1000 times faster than light. This hope is also ignited by transference of entanglement and bomb-tester and Zeno results! Strange place to meet the Stoicism founder!

Warning – I do not believe because I do not believe in consciousness as essential element, the moon exists even when not being watched!

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Democracy in politics

Politics is a math field, say I, the successor of most illiberal is the most democratic. If you read the founding of USA, the biggest discussion in aristocratic era was between federalists(Hamilton, Madison,...) and republicans (Jefferson,...). It is between majoritarian democracy (Jefferson,...) and anti-democratic constitutional control. Switzerland is MORE democratic than USA but LESS free, they took the lead in expulsion and bigoted rules on Muslims! It is strange that US liberals now find virtues in Hamilton, the most pro-wall-street (starter) and Gold-bug ever, glorified by Nazi and Fascist! Hence my saying. P:et Km-siater wail and make evil ugly accusations re fraud!

Or this quote from Madison - Pure democracy, by which I mean a society consisting of a small number of citizens, who assemble and administer the government in person, can admit no cure for the mischief of faction. A common passion or interest will be felt by a majority of the whole, and there is nothing to check the inducements to sacrifice the weaker party or an obnoxious individual. Hence it is that democracies have ever . . . been found incompatible with personal security or the rights of property; and have, in general, been as short in their lives as they have been violent in their deaths.

Trump lost straight count but won electoral college. So did Bush jr. Happened half dozen times. Changing constitution requires 2/3 majority and is involved process. Indian SC derailed IG by inventing Fundamental Structure of constitution. Judge gates risked his life and refused the onslaught of popular revolution in Fiji against Indians in 2000, followed this brave man who refused to play dead even against a revolution! Result – Fiji thrives in 2017, despite liberal stupidities of Australia and New Zealand!

Modi is not liberal, but his opponents, open incompetence, scare me. I can not imagine A MAN DEVOTED TO CONSTITUTION to be unfree. Perhaps Sir Trump needs to learn and not criticize the Judiciary. There ALWAYS are clever work arounds.
New polls – Current UP votes WERE miscounted by exit polls. Trump, Brexit,... What goes? Allan Lichtman, a professor of history at American University, has predicted every election result since 1984 (except in 2000, when the Electoral College decided that both the popular vote and the professor should be ignored). His calculus pays no attention to polls or approval ratings; instead, it looks at the incumbent administration and asks a few very basic questions. Has there been major social unrest? Have there been disastrous foreign interventions? Has economic growth been higher or lower than in the last two administrations? If the incumbent party manages the slow decline of capitalism efficiently, they’ll win again. If not, someone else will. And in September 2016, he totted up all his columns and announced that Donald Trump would win. He didn’t quite believe it himself; in an interview with the Washington Post he was full of caveats and reservations. “We’ve never had a candidate before who not just once, but twice in a thinly disguised way, has incited violence against his opponents. We’ve never had a candidate before who has embraced as a role model a murderous, hostile foreign dictator.” In the end, it didn’t matter. Makes sense at lastt. Lets call this aaqgc-poll. Try it re end of year re Gujerat!
Mischievous Anti-Trump link

Monday, March 13, 2017

Democracy in politics

Politics is a math field, say I, the successor of most illiberal is the most democratic. If you read the founding of USA, the biggest discussion in aristocratic era was between federalists(Hamilton, Madison,...) and republicans (Jefferson,...). It is between majoritarian democracy (Jefferson,...) and anti-democratic constitutional control. Switzerland is MORE democratic than USA but LESS free, they took the lead in expulsion and bigoted rules on Muslims! It is strange that US liberals now find virtues in Hamilton, the most pro-wall-street (starter) and Gold-bug ever, glorified by Nazi and Fascist! Hence my saying. Federalists are for strong center, republicans for devolution. Modi-love not withstanding, aaqgs-me am for devolution and unequal laws by states. Thats why SAARC can become a nation.

Or this quote from Madison - Pure democracy, by which I mean a society consisting of a small number of citizens, who assemble and administer the government in person, can admit no cure for the mischief of faction. A common passion or interest will be felt by a majority of the whole, and there is nothing to check the inducements to sacrifice the weaker party or an obnoxious individual. Hence it is that democracies have ever . . . been found incompatible with personal security or the rights of property; and have, in general, been as short in their lives as they have been violent in their deaths.
Trump lost straight count but won electoral college. So did Bush jr. Happened half dozen times. Changing constitution requires 2/3 majority and is involved process. Indian SC derailed IG by inventing  Fundamental Structure of constitution. Judge gates risked his life and refused the onslaught of popular revolution in Fiji against Indians in 2000, followed this brave man who refused to play dead even against a revolution! Result – Fiji thrives in 2017, despite liberal stupidities of Australia and New Zealand!

Modi is not liberal, but his opponents, open incompetence, scare me. I can not imagine A MAN DEVOTED TO CONSTITUTION to be unfree. Perhaps Sir Trump needs to learn and not criticize the Judiciary. There ALWAYS are clever workarounds.

New polls – Current UP votes WERE miscounted by exit polls. Trump, Brexit,... What goes? Allan Lichtman, a professor of history at American University, has predicted every election result since 1984 (except in 2000, when the Electoral College decided that both the popular vote and the professor should be ignored). His calculus pays no attention to polls or approval ratings; instead, it looks at the incumbent administration and asks a few very basic questions. Has there been major social unrest? Have there been disastrous foreign interventions? Has economic growth been higher or lower than in the last two administrations? If the incumbent party manages the slow decline of capitalism efficiently, they’ll win again. If not, someone else will. And in September 2016, he totted up all his columns and announced that Donald Trump would win. He didn’t quite believe it himself; in an interview with the Washington Post he was full of caveats and reservations. “We’ve never had a candidate before who not just once, but twice in a thinly disguised way, has incited violence against his opponents. We’ve never had a candidate before who has embraced as a role model a murderous, hostile foreign dictator.” In the end, it didn’t matter.  Makes sense at lastt. Lets call this aaqgc-poll. Try it re end of year re Gujarat!

Warning - Absurd Ani-Trump.

Chemistry and Physics of Disease

Dr Doherty said medical researchers could use the device (diamond tip molecular beam at nanoscale) to weigh and identify complex molecules such as proteins, which drive diseases, such as cancer, and cures for those diseases.

"Every great advance for microscopy has driven scientific revolution," he said.
"Our invention will help to solve many complex problems in a wide range of areas, including medical, environmental and biosecurity research."
Molecular MRI is a form of the common medical imaging technology that is capable of identifying the chemical composition of individual molecules, while mass spectrometers measure the masses within a sample.
Current work is like quantum basis for sonic screwdriver in Dr. Who or tri-corder in star trek. Generally beyond, when possible at all, the limited irrational thinking of humanities writers, say I. For way better than sci fi is my tech fi. You don't imagine potentially impossible theory driven artifacts, but possible artifacts economically possible in current known or likely known science.

THE paper

Relevance  to  medicine

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Hqol Longevity research

This collects views summarized from referenced papers. Rather than just “why so, says who”, interspersed are many “why not”, some times answered, some times research. Aaqgs-authoring (questions=[sub]sections). Longevity alone is not the goal; (Hqol=High quality of life) and limited predictable steps are required. Philosophy is Hqol longevity seems possible with very limited side-effects and many positive ones. So why not do a small cost (time|money) effort and listen – worst case you will know why I am wrong!

Limitations: Following pragmatic once – strictly exercise and nutrition products. The loopholes allowing plants but not chemicals. Thus pain is alleviated by cannabis plant products.

Main herb-products – stevia (for sugar), aged-garlic for reducing glycation, haldi as anti-oxidant, Glutathione (never direct for bio avail) through L-cystine. Plenty of Morons sold Gutathione supplements, soaps, cream etc. Aging view: Telomeres shortening and enemy effects long-term of once-friend chemicals. Extrapolation – absent known exceptions – Telomere shortening can be prevented without causing cancer for 200 years.

Immortality view: Not possible in bio form, but in cyborg form in 200 years including ways to transfer consciousness. The extrapolation here is on-going success in marrying senses with robotic elements for limited replacement and paralysis overcoming goals i.e. required capital is application generated. No centralized like government with war aims or venture capital sugar-daddy is needed.
200 year life-view: max needed for cyborg development; in two parts. First sixty assumes no new technology. Second 80 years by hibernation cooling. Possible to cut energy-consumption, breathing etc of human complexity by 15% max. This means time is slowed by 50% max. Humans are NOT cold-blooded, hence best is like bear with temp drop to 80;s oF and breathing cut to half rate and energy from stored form to one per 3-days. Even then 80 years max is possible, organism aging at half rate. Technology for that kind of hibernation is possible in 30 years, and requires normal life extension to 90 years using ecp, Glutathione and anti-glycation, telomere shortening prevention for anti-cancer.

A solution is assumed for all big killers – heart by anti-oxidants and anti-glycation, cancers by telomere, Alzheimer by anti-glycation, standard microbes through anti-bionics, overall by ECP directed blood flow, cheerfulness through personality changing stoicism.

I am crazy enough to believe strongly in own theories. Since 50's (age) did 100 calorie exercise and high-protein diet-control anti-glycation. Changing to 3 half hour evenly spaced 70 calorie exercise. I am right, screw the critics, proof is in my latest HgA1C (6.0), Lipid (all in range), CBC (all in range). Never have had better results. Continuation with high-protein (whey+)  mediterranean diet is easy. 
Off-nitrates so sexuality is back.

But for episodic psyche (solution - wife + adoptions, line-marriage(Moon is harsh ...)?) problems, I will live to 95 normal, perhaps 120 pushed by ECP, cancers controlled by STEM cells, normal infections by antibiotics! Possibly await hibernation just starting. And there is so much to do, crispr itself means massive targeted genetic agriculture! My niece works in a genetic-cafe in Boston – you send them a sample and they grow it! Distributed 3D print in print-cafe makes union-elimination possible, only headache of current biggies. I can happily potter around busy for next 1000 years. Time enough to think of nextthousand!